Meaning of STATUS in English



▪ elite ( esp. AmE ), great , high , superior

▪ inferior , low , lowly

low-status jobs

▪ relative

The relative ~ of the speakers affects what language is used.

▪ equal

▪ current

▪ full

The Institute has now achieved full ~ as part of the University.

▪ privileged , special

▪ insider , outsider

My outsider ~ granted me special insights.

▪ amateur

▪ economic , educational , employment , financial , occupational , professional , social , socio-economic

a payment made to every individual irrespective of employment ~

▪ minority

the minority ~ of Catholics in Virginia

▪ marital

▪ health , HIV

He has told family and friends of his HIV ~.

▪ legal

They argued that the email had no signature and therefore no legal ~.

▪ diplomatic

▪ citizenship ( esp. AmE ), immigrant , immigration , refugee , resident

▪ independent

A majority voted for fully independent ~ for the region.

▪ charitable , charity (both esp. BrE )

The organization has charitable ~.

▪ non-profit , not-for-profit (both esp. AmE )

▪ college , foundation (both BrE )

hospitals that have been given foundation ~

▪ tax-exempt ( esp. AmE )

▪ international

▪ superpower

the United States' rise to superpower ~

▪ celebrity , star , superstar

He achieved celebrity ~ through his role in a popular sitcom.

▪ canonical , classic , cult , legendary

a car from the 50s that has acquired cult ~


▪ enjoy , have

The teaching profession has a low ~ in this country.

This sort of bike has ~ among teenagers.

▪ achieve , acquire , attain , gain , get

Marrying a rich woman helped him achieve ~.

They have acquired refugee ~.

▪ bring sb , give sb

Owning the yacht has given them ~.

▪ accord , attach , confer , give

High social ~ is attached to the legal profession.

▪ recognize

▪ befit

At last James had an office that befitted his ~.

▪ enhance , improve , raise

They are campaigning to raise the ~ of nurses.

▪ elevate to

The show has been elevated to cult ~.

▪ lower

▪ change

▪ cement , confirm

This performance confirmed her ~ as a world-class athlete.

▪ maintain , retain

▪ lose

Churches seem to have lost some of their ~.

▪ regain

▪ apply for

She applied for resident ~ but was turned down.

▪ check , clarify , determine

Officers could determine their legal ~.

▪ deny sb , refuse sb

Women are still denied equal ~ in the company.


▪ symbol

Scars are ~ symbols among mountain-bike riders.


▪ ~ as

China's ~ as an economic superpower

▪ ~ among

The company has managed to maintain its ~ among retailers.

▪ ~ of

the ~ of women


▪ change in ~

the change in ~ of teachers

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .