Meaning of VOTE in English



1 choice/decision made by voting


▪ electoral

▪ majority

▪ huge , massive ( esp. BrE ), overwhelming , resounding ( esp. BrE )

an overwhelming ~ in favour/favor of autonomy

▪ unanimous

▪ close , knife-edge ( esp. BrE ), narrow ( esp. BrE )

▪ two-thirds , two-to-one , etc.

▪ democratic , direct , free ( BrE )

Members of Parliament will have a free ~ on this bill.

▪ transferable ( BrE )

The single transferable ~ system operates.

▪ fair

▪ secret

▪ national

▪ popular

The law was ratified by popular ~.

▪ casting , decisive

▪ final

▪ crucial , important , key

▪ affirmative , favourable/favorable , yes

▪ negative , no

▪ dissenting

▪ protest

He lost the election because of the protest ~.

▪ tactical ( BrE )

▪ floating ( BrE ), swing ( esp. AmE )

▪ postal ( BrE ), proxy

▪ invalid , valid

▪ congressional , parliamentary , Senate

▪ presidential

▪ individual

▪ block

He won the seat thanks to Polish block ~s.

The union wants the system of block ~s to continue.

▪ black , Hispanic , Jewish , etc.

Ferrer got 84% of the Hispanic ~.

▪ historic

▪ first-place

▪ confirmation , floor , recall , up-or-down (= on which members vote yes or no) , voice (all AmE )

▪ party-line ( AmE )

▪ Conservative , Republican , etc.


▪ have , hold , put sth to the , take

We should put the resolution to the ~.

Let's take a ~ on the issue.

▪ have

The chairperson always has the casting ~.

▪ cast , record ( formal )

You can cast your ~ at the local polling station.

50% of the eligible voters recorded their ~.

▪ gain , garner , get , obtain , poll , receive , secure , win

Our candidate polled only 10% of the ~.

▪ need , require

▪ sway , swing

factors that could swing the ~ against the president

▪ influence

▪ lose

▪ court

Bush had courted the military ~.

▪ count , tally

Votes are still being counted.

▪ divide , split

the party that split the Republican ~

▪ schedule

▪ delay , postpone

▪ give sb

▪ deny sb

▪ suppress

▪ throw away , waste


▪ go to sb/sth

My ~ will go to the party that addresses crime.

▪ fall

The party's ~ fell by 6%.

▪ increase , rise

▪ count

Everyone's ~ counts.


▪ by ~

The bill was passed by a single ~.

Members are elected by direct ~.

Mr Olsen was approved by a ~ of 51–47.

▪ ~ against

▪ ~ for , ~ in favour/favor (of sth)

a ~ for the government

▪ ~ on

a ~ on the new law


▪ change your ~

They want to persuade voters to change their ~.

▪ force a ~ (on sth)

Any senator can force a ~ on virtually any proposal.

▪ a ~ of confidence , a ~ of no confidence

The government received a massive ~ of confidence from the electorate.

▪ a ~ of thanks

A special ~ of thanks went to the organizer, Tom Woodhouse.

▪ take a quick ~

We took a quick ~ to decide on a leader.

2 the vote legal right to vote in elections


▪ have

How many years is it since women have had the ~?

▪ get

▪ give sb




▪ overwhelmingly

▪ unanimously

The committee ~d unanimously to accept the plans.

▪ narrowly

The Senate ~d narrowly to continue funding the plan.

▪ tactically ( BrE )

▪ online

▪ consistently

▪ down , in , out

The proposal was ~d down.


▪ be eligible to , be entitled to

young people who are eligible to ~ for the first time

▪ intend to


▪ against

They ~d overwhelmingly against the proposal.

▪ for

They all ~d for the new tax.

▪ in

She returned home in order to ~ in the elections.

▪ in favour/favor of

The committee ~d in favour/favor of the plan.

▪ into

the government that has just been ~d into power

▪ off

She was ~d off the committee.

▪ on , upon

Stockholders have the right to ~ on the proposal.

Parliament is to ~ on tobacco advertising tomorrow.

▪ out of

He was ~d out of office.

▪ (by) … to do sth

They ~d 15 to 2 to accept the offer.

▪ with

Her party ~d with the government.


▪ the right to ~

Everyone over 18 has the right to ~.

▪ a round of voting

She was elected on the second round of voting.

▪ ~ Conservative, Labour, Republican, etc.

▪ ~ no , ~ yes

They ~d yes to the agreement.

Vote is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ assembly , ↑ conference , ↑ congress , ↑ council , ↑ delegate , ↑ elector , ↑ electorate , ↑ legislature , ↑ meeting , ↑ member , ↑ panel , ↑ parliament , ↑ representative , ↑ shareholder , ↑ stockholder , ↑ viewer , ↑ voter , ↑ worker

Vote is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ ticket , ↑ yes

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .