Meaning of BRAVE in English

adj. 1 fearless, intrepid, bold, courageous, daring, gallant, stout, stout-hearted, valiant, valorous, stalwart, plucky, staunch, undaunted, dauntless, unafraid, unfearing, indomitable, heroic, Colloq macho; Slang gutsy Despite her misgivings about her proposal, she put on a brave face in the boardroom He was brave to face the enemy alone. 2 fine, handsome, grand, splendid, showy, colourful, spectacular, smart The colonel made a brave appearance in full Highland regalia

v. 3 challenge, defy, dare; brazen (out), face, confront, encounter, meet We had to brave the elements in the open boat I had to brave my father at breakfast.

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