Meaning of AFFECT in English


1. a produce an effect on. b (of a disease etc.) attack (his liver is affected).

2 move; touch the feelings of (affected me deeply).


Often confused with effect, which as a verb means 'bring about; accomplish'.


affecting adj. affectingly adv.

Etymology: F affecter or L afficere affect- influence (as AD-, facere do) 2.

1. pretend to have or feel (affected indifference).

2 (foll. by to + infin.) pretend.

3 assume the character or manner of; pose as (affect the freethinker).

4 make a show of liking or using (she affects fancy hats).

Etymology: F affecter or L affectare aim at, frequent. of afficere (as AFFECT(1)) 3. n. Psychol. a feeling, emotion, or desire, esp. as leading to action.

Etymology: G Affekt f. L affectus disposition f. afficere (as AFFECT(1))

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.