Meaning of BUMP in English

n., v., & adv.


1. a dull-sounding blow or collision.

2 a swelling or dent caused by this.

3 an uneven patch on a road, field, etc.

4 Phrenol. any of various prominences on the skull thought to indicate different mental faculties.

5 (in narrow-river races where boats make a spaced start one behind another) the point at which a boat begins to overtake (and usu. touches) the boat ahead, thereby defeating it.

6 Aeron. a an irregularity in an aircraft's motion. b a rising air current causing this.


1. a tr. hit or come against with a bump. b intr. (of two objects) collide.

2 intr. (foll. by against, into) hit with a bump; collide with.

3 tr. (often foll. by against, on) hurt or damage by striking (bumped my head on the ceiling; bumped the car while parking).

4 intr. (usu. foll. by along) move or travel with much jolting (we bumped along the road).

5 tr. (in a boat-race) gain a bump against.

6 tr. US displace, esp. by seniority.

--adv. with a bump; suddenly; violently.

Phrases and idioms:

bump into colloq. meet by chance. bump off sl. murder. bump up colloq. increase (prices etc.).

Etymology: 16th c., imit.: perh. f. Scand.

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.