Meaning of DESCEND in English


1. tr. & intr. go or come down (a hill, stairs, etc.).

2 intr. (of a thing) sink, fall (rain descended heavily).

3 intr. slope downwards, lie along a descending slope (fields descended to the beach).

4 intr. (usu. foll. by on) a make a sudden attack. b make an unexpected and usu. unwelcome visit (hope they don't descend on us at the weekend).

5 intr. (usu. foll. by from, to) (of property, qualities, rights, etc.) be passed by inheritance (the house descends from my grandmother; the property descended to me).

6 intr. a sink in rank, quality, etc. b (foll. by to) degrade oneself morally to (an unworthy act) (descend to violence).

7 intr. Mus. (of sound) become lower in pitch.

8 intr. (usu. foll. by to) proceed (in discourse or writing): a in time (to a subsequent event etc.). b from the general (to the particular) (now let's descend to details).

9 tr. go along (a river etc.) to the sea etc.

10 intr. Printing (of a letter) have its tail below the line.

Phrases and idioms:

be descended from have as an ancestor.


descendent adj.

Etymology: ME f. OF descendre f. L descendere (as DE-, scandere climb)

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.