Meaning of HOUND in English

n. & v.


1. a a dog used for hunting, esp. one able to track by scent. b (the hounds) Brit. a pack of foxhounds.

2 colloq. a despicable man.

3 a runner who follows a trail in hare and hounds.

4 a person keen in pursuit of something (usu. in comb.: news-hound).


1. harass or pursue relentlessly.

2 chase or pursue with a hound.

3 (foll. by at) set (a dog or person) on (a quarry).

4 urge on or nag (a person).

Phrases and idioms:

hound's tongue Bot. a tall plant, Cynoglossum officinale, with tongue-shaped leaves. hound's-tooth a check pattern with notched corners suggestive of a canine tooth. ride to hounds go fox-hunting on horseback.


hounder n. houndish adj.

Etymology: OE hund f. Gmc

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