Meaning of PAT in English

1. v. & n.

--v. (patted, patting)

1. tr. strike gently with the hand or a flat surface.

2 tr. flatten or mould by patting.

3 tr. strike gently with the inner surface of the hand, esp. as a sign of affection, sympathy, or congratulation.

4 intr. (foll. by on, upon) beat lightly.


1. a light stroke or tap, esp. with the hand in affection etc.

2 the sound made by this.

3 a small mass (esp. of butter) formed by patting.

Phrases and idioms:

pat-a-cake a child's game with the patting of hands (the first words of a nursery rhyme). pat on the back a gesture of approval or congratulation. pat a person on the back congratulate a person.

Etymology: ME, prob. imit. 2. adj. & adv.


1. known thoroughly and ready for any occasion.

2 apposite or opportune, esp. unconvincingly so (gave a pat answer).


1. in a pat manner.

2 appositely, opportunely.

Phrases and idioms:

have off pat know or have memorized perfectly. stand pat esp. US

1. stick stubbornly to one's opinion or decision.

2 Poker retain one's hand as dealt; not draw other cards.


patly adv. patness n.

Etymology: 16th c.: rel. to PAT(1) 3. n.Phrases and idioms:

on one's pat Austral. sl. on one's own.

Etymology: Pat Malone, rhyming slang for own

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.