Meaning of USE in English

v. & n.

1. cause to act or serve for a purpose; bring into service; avail oneself of (rarely uses the car; use your discretion).

2 treat (a person) in a specified manner (they used him shamefully).

3 exploit for one's own ends (they are just using you).

4 (in past; foll. by to + infin.) did or had in the past (but no longer) as a customary practice or state (I used to be an archaeologist; it used not (or did not use) to rain so often).

5 (as used adj.) second-hand.

6 (as used predic. adj.) (foll. by to) familiar by habit; accustomed (not used to hard work).

7 apply (a name or title etc.) to oneself.


1. the act of using or the state of being used; application to a purpose (put it to good use; is in daily use; worn and polished with use).

2 the right or power of using (lost the use of my right arm).

3 a the ability to be used (a torch would be of use). b the purpose for which a thing can be used (it's no use talking).

4 custom or usage (long use has reconciled me to it).

5 the characteristic ritual and liturgy of a church or diocese etc.

6 Law hist. the benefit or profit of lands, esp. in the possession of another who holds them solely for the beneficiary.

Phrases and idioms:

could use colloq. would be glad to have; would be improved by having. have no use for

1. be unable to find a use for.

2 dislike or be impatient with.

make use of

1. employ, apply.

2 benefit from. use and wont established custom. use a person's name quote a person as an authority or reference etc.

use up

1. consume completely, use the whole of.

2 find a use for (something remaining).

3 exhaust or wear out e.g. with overwork.

Etymology: ME f. OF us, user, ult. f. L uti us- use

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.