Meaning of ABORT in English

I. əˈbȯ(ə)rt, -ȯ(ə)t, usu -d.+V verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

Etymology: Latin abortare, from abortus abortion

intransitive verb

1. : to bring forth premature or stillborn offspring

cows with brucellosis often abort

2. : to become checked in development so as to remain rudimentary or to shrink away

pollen grains that abort

3. : to stop or fail in the early stages

many colds abort without treatment

the plans have aborted

the bomber aborted from its mission

transitive verb

1. : to bring forth (offspring) prematurely

aborted a 3-month-old fetus

: cause to be delivered of a stillborn or nonviable fetus

abort a malformed patient

especially : to terminate pregnancy of before term


a. : to terminate prematurely

abort a project

: stop in the early stages

abort a disease

b. : to turn back without completion

3. : to check so as to produce rudimentary development or a shrinking away

abort branches of trees

II. noun

( -s )

Etymology: Middle English, from Latin abortus, from abortus, past participle of aboriri to disappear, miscarry, from ab- ab- (I) + oriri to rise, be born — more at orient

1. obsolete : abortion

2. : an abortive flight by an aircraft on a combat or bombing mission ; also : an aircraft making such a flight

III. noun

: the premature termination of an action, procedure, or mission relating to a rocket or spacecraft

a launch abort

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.