Meaning of EYELET in English

I. ˈīlə̇t, usu -ə̇d.+V noun

( -s )

Etymology: Middle English oilet, from Middle French oillet, diminutive of oil eye, from Latin oculus — more at eye


a. : a small hole usually round and buttonholed and designed to receive a cord, lace, pin, or button shank or used only for decoration (as in embroidery)


(1) : a small ring of durable material typically metal that is inserted into an eyelet to reinforce it : grommet ; also : a small barrel-shaped piece of such material

(2) : an eyelet (as of a shoe or a mailbag or at the edge of a sail) that is reinforced with such a ring or piece or that is lined with such material

2. : a small hole (as in a wall) usually used for observation : peephole , eyehole , loophole

3. : a small eye ; specifically : ocellus

II. transitive verb

( eyeleted also eyeletted ; eyeleted also eyeletted ; eyeleting also eyeletting ; eyelets )

: to make an eyelet in : equip with eyelets

• eye·let·er also eye·let·ter -lə̇d.ə(r), -lə̇tə- noun -s

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