Англо-русский перевод TESTER

1. испытательный стенд; испытательная установка 2. контрольно-измерительный прибор; тестер 3. устройство технического диагностирования 4. опробователь пластов 5. прибор для определения места течи (в обсадных трубах) - automatic fault isolation tester - bool weevil tester - cased hole formation tester - casing tester - collapse tube tester - combination hydraulic formation tester - deadweight formation tester - destructive tester - drill stem formation tester - drilling mud lubricity tester - dual-chamber formation tester - flash-point tester - flow tester - fluid loss tester - formation interval tester - formation tester with anchor - formation tester - gas leak proof tester - hole tester - hydraulic formation tester - hydrospring formation tester - interval logging-cable formation tester - leak tester - logging-cable formation tester - malfunction tester - Manus tester - mechanical formation tester - Meggar earth tester - mud lubricity tester - multiple fluid formation tester - nondestructive tester - oil emulsion tester - oil tester - open-cup tester - orifice well tester - petroleum tester - pipe tester - portable well tester - pressure controlled formation tester - repeat formation tester - retrievable valve tester - sand content tester - sand tester - side tester - tank tester - vane shear tester - wall-building tester - wear tester - well tester - wireline formation tester

ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas.      Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу.