I. tes·ter ˈtestə(r), ˈtēs- noun
( -s )
Etymology: Middle English testere headpiece, tester, from Middle French testiere headpiece, head covering, from teste head (from Late Latin testa skull, from Latin, shell) + -iere -er — more at test (trial)
a. : the frame on which the canopy of a bed rests
b. : the canopy of a bed including the frame and its hangings
2. : baldachin ; especially : a canopy suspended from the ceiling over an altar or pulpit
II. tes·ter ˈtestə(r) noun
( -s )
Etymology: modification (influenced by -er ) of Middle French testart teston, from teston + -art -ard — more at teston
: teston c
III. test·er ˈtestə(r) noun
( -s )
Etymology: test (II) + -er
: one that tests: as
a. : assayer
b. : one whose work is testing the quality and conformance to specifications of products by visual examination, by means of testing instruments, or through laboratory tests
c. : a piece of testing apparatus
d. : one that serves as a control
endosperm strains crossed with … testers for all 10 chromosomes — American Naturalist
e. : one who administers an examination