1. загущённость; вязкость 2. мощность; толщина (слоя, пласта, залежи) - aggregate bed thickness - apparent bed thickness - apparent formation thickness - arithmetical mean bed thickness - bed formation thickness - bed thickness - bit wing thickness - cake thickness - casing-wall thickness - cover thickness - effective bed thickness - effective formation thickness - electrical mud-cake thickness - exposed bed thickness - formation thickness - gross pay thickness - gross reservoir thickness - horizontal bed thickness - irregular weathering thickness - logged thickness - low-velocity-layer thickness - mud-cake thickness - net pay thickness - net productive formation thickness - net reservoir thickness - net thickness of sand - net thickness - nonuniform pipe wall thickness - observed bed thickness - observed formation thickness - overburden thickness - overlying rock thickness - pay thickness - penetrated bed thickness - pipe wall thickness - plate thickness - productive bed thickness - productive formation thickness - reduced bed thickness - refractor thickness - reservoir thickness - sand thickness - seam thickness - thickness of deposit - thickness of effective oil-bearing formation - thickness of gas-saturated formation - thickness of overburden - thickness of rocks - thickness of water-bearing horizon - thickness of water-saturated formation - total formation thickness - total thickness of series - true bed thickness - true formation thickness - velocity-layer thickness - vertical bed thickness - wall thickness - weathering thickness - weighted mean bed thickness - wing thickness
Англо-русский перевод THICKNESS
ВНИИГАЗ, РАО ГАЗПРОМ. Big English-Russian dictionary of oil and gas. Большой Англо-Русский словарь по нефти и газу. 1998