1) база, основание; фундамент 2) станина; фундаментная плита 3) подстилающий слой (грунта) 4) геод. база, базис 5) плинтус 6) материал основы; основа (сплава) 7) бедная руда 8) метал. поддон 9) основание; щёлочь 10) электрон. база, базовая область 11) основа; подложка 12) система отсчёта; уровень отсчёта 13) вчт. основание системы счисления или логарифма 14) вчт. базовый адрес 15) эл. изолирующее основание 16) цоколь (электровакуумного прибора, лампы) 17) подставка (для клише) 18) ножка (литеры) 19) тара дно (ёмкости); нижняя часть сборного ящика 20) деревянный настил, к которому крепится изделие при перевозке 21) парк (напр. установленных единиц оборудования) • base for a system of logarithms — основание системы логарифмов; base with pins — штырьковый цоколь (лампы) - acetate base - active base - air base - air-bag base - aircraft maintenance base - aircraft wheel base - all-metal tube base - all-metal base - anionic base - anion base - antihalation base - applied knowledge base - axle base - balanced base - base of column - base of crude oil - base of foundation - base of logarithm - base of number system - base of petroleum - base of power - base of road - base of verification - basic knowledge base - bayonet base - bedrock base - binary base - binding base - boulder base - bulk base - camera base - cationic base - cation base - cellulose ester base - ceramic base - chimney base - circular base - cloud base - coil base - coke base - comparator base - compass base - conjugate base - control base - cooker base - cooperative knowledge base - cosmetic base - cream base - customer base - cyclic tertiary bases - data base - decimal base - distributed data base - Edison base - embankment base - engine test base - expert knowledge base - extrinsic base - fat base - field-time base - film base - filter base - floating base - foil base - general knowledge base - gravity base - grease base - gripper base - heterocyclic bases - highly doped base - honeycomb base - implanted base - index base - inertial base - initial design-data base - inorganic bases - installed base - insulating base - integrated sandwich circuit base - interferometer base - intrinsic base - knowledge base - leveling base - line maintenance base - linear base - line-time base - long base - low-doped base - lower base - lubricant base - lubricating-pad base - macadam base - machining data base - makeup base - metal base - mismatched bases - mixed base - mold base - moving base - multistack base - narrow base - negative base - Newtonian base - nigrosine base - nitrate base - nitrogen base - nonrigid road base - notch base - nucleic base - oil base - organic bases - package base - paint base - paper base - paraffin base - part-programming data base - permanent seabed guide base - permeable base - petroleum nitrogen bases - phosphor base - pin base - plaster base - plastic base - plow base - polyester base - primer base - product data base - pulse base - quarternary organic bases - rail base - remaining grouser base - repair base - retractable base - rigid road base - robot base - rubble base - salve base - sanitary base - screw base - sheet-annealing base - short base - signal base - single knowledge base - single-stack base - slope base - soap base - spray base - sprue base - standard base - stem base - stereoscopic base - stereo base - strong base - system knowledge base - tape base - tensilized base - time base - tread base - triacetate base - tube base - upper base - valve base - wax-soap base - weak base - wheel base
Англо-русский перевод BASE
РУССО. Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary Russo. Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь РУССО. 1997