Англо-русский перевод DISTANCE

1) расстояние; дистанция; дальность 2) интервал, отрезок • landing distance available — располагаемая посадочная дистанция; takeoff distance available — располагаемая взлётная дистанция; takeoff distance required — потребная взлётная дистанция; to misjudge the distance — неправильно оценить (в полёте) расстояние (до препятствия) distance of movement — дистанция перемещения (напр. тележки) distance of travel — 1. длина пробега (частицы) 2. глубина проникновения (напр. примеси) - accelerate-stop distance - actual distance - air-to-ground distance - anchorage distance - approach flight track distance - arcing distance - augmentation distance - back-focal distance - basic distance - bond distance - brake system application distance - braking distance - bridging distance - center-to-center distance - centroidal distance - chargeable distance - chordal distance - clear distance - code distance - continued takeoff distance - correlation distance - crack separation distance - creepage distance - Debye screening distance - designed stopping distance - developed distance - diffusion distance - disruptive distance - dry arcing distance - edge distance of rivets - electrical distance - electrode distance - end distance - end-to-end distance - epicentral distance - Euclidean distance - flange focal distance - flareout distance - flashing distance - flight distance-to-go - focal distance - focusing distance - forked claw interteeth distance - front-focal distance - fuel distance - gap-closing distance - geodesic distance - gliding distance - grazing distance - great circle distance - gross takeoff distance - ground distance - Hamming distance - haul distance - haulage distance - hearing distance - hold-off distance - hyperfocal distance - hypocentral distance - ideal distance - infinite distance - insulation distance - interaction distance - intercarrier distance - intercluster distance - interelectrode distance - interinclusion distance - internodal distance - jumping distance - jump distance - lance distance - landing distance - lattice distance - leakage distance - level distance - line-of-sight distance - linkage distance - load distance - loxodromic distance - misjudged flight distance - nadir distance - out-to-out distance - overtaking distance - projection distance - propagation distance - recording distance - relaxation distance - required distance - rhumb-line distance - runway usable distance - shell-to-shell distance - shooting distance - sighting distance - signal distance - skip distance - slant distance - sliding distance - slope distance - source transmission distance - sparking distance - spherical distance - stepping distance - stick-out distance - stopping distance - striking distance - takeoff acceleration distance - takeoff flight distance - tariff distance - thermal-transmission distance - thinking distance - track distance - trip distance - unsupported distance - viewing distance

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