расстояние distance between centers — расстояние между центрами (напр. токарного станка) distance between the table and the spindle nose — расстояние от рабочей поверхности стола до торца шпинделя distance from column to tool facing — расстояние от стойки до наружной плоскости резцедержателя (на долбёжном станке) distance over pins — размер по роликам distance to go — заданное перемещение (рабочего органа) to move to a prescribed distance — передвигать на заданное расстояние, передвигаться на заданное расстояние - actual distance - adjustably spaced distance - angular distance - apex distance - arbor distance - back angle distance - back cone distance - between-centers distance - braking distance - calculated center distance - center distance - center-to-center distance - clearance distance - code-word distance - cone distance - creepage distance - cross-traverse distance - curvilinear distance - datum distance - departure distance per command - departure distance - feet distance - free distance - ideal distance - incremental distance - inner cone distance - inside cone distance - instantaneous center distance - least programmable distance - left-to-right distance between housings - locating distance - master standoff distance - mean cone distance - mean transverse back cone distance - measuring distance - midplane distance - motion distance of each command - motion distance - mounting distance - move distance - nominal measuring center distance - nominal setting distance - operating center distance - pitch distance - prescribed distance - reference center distance - safe distance - sensing distance - setting distance - spindle distance - spindlenose-to-table distance - spraying distance - squared distance - stacking distance - standard center distance - standoff distance - starting distance - stepping distance - stopping distance - teeth distance - testing center distance - throat distance - tight mesh center distance - tip distance - transition distance - transportation distance - travel distance - true distance
Англо-русский перевод DISTANCE
Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation. Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства. 2003