1) компонент, составная часть; элемент
2) деталь; узел; комплектующее изделие
3) составляющая, компонента; слагающая
components to be removed — узлы, подлежащие снятию
- ac component
- active component
- add-in component
- add-on component
- adhesion component of friction
- air logic component
- alternating component
- anticlogging fuel oil component
- antiknock component
- aperiodic transient component
- array component
- audio component
- axial component
- backup component
- base component
- beam-lead component
- bearing component
- beat-moire components
- blending component
- bumped component
- capacitive component
- cationic coupling component
- cationic diazo component
- chip component
- chrominance component
- circuit component
- color-difference component
- complex 2 component
- component of error
- component of structure
- component of variance
- component of vector
- contour milled component
- contravariant component
- covariant component
- dc component
- deformation component of friction
- diazo coupling component
- direct component
- direct-axis component
- discrete component
- electric component
- electrogenically inert component
- electrogenically reactive component
- electromagnetic component
- electronic component
- electrostatic component
- error component
- exchangeable components
- faulty component
- first component
- force component
- forced component
- formed component
- free component
- frequency component
- fundamental component
- fundamental frequency component
- hardware component
- harmonic component
- hybrid component
- idle component
- imaginary component
- inductive component
- in-phase component
- integrated-circuit component
- integrated component
- in-vessel component
- key machined components
- linear component
- load component
- logic component
- long-lived component
- luminance component
- magnetic component
- magnetizing component
- major components
- mating component
- moire components
- mounting components
- negative-phase-sequence component
- negative-sequence component
- nonlinear component
- nuclear component
- odor-producing component
- off-the-shelf component
- out-of-band components
- out-of-phase component
- parasitic component
- passive component
- plowing friction component
- pneumatic console-mounted component
- pneumatic enclosure-mounted component
- pneumatic machine-mounted component
- point-to-point NC component
- positive-phase-sequence component
- positive-sequence component
- potted component
- power component
- primary tooling component
- pulsating dc component
- quadratic component
- quadrature component
- radio component
- rail-mounted pneumatic component
- reactive component
- real component
- reconditioned components
- rectangular components
- remanufactured components
- residual component
- resistive component
- ripple component
- rotating seal component
- second component
- short-lived component
- sideband component
- single component
- sinusoidal component
- software component
- spurious component
- stable component
- stationary seal component
- steady-state component
- stress component
- structural component
- subsynchronous component
- subtransient component
- supercurrent component
- symmetrical components
- system's crucial components
- tar-yielding components
- thickness stress component
- transient component
- tribological component
- turned component
- undesired component
- unidirectional component
- unsupervised component
- valve operating component
- variable component
- vibration frequency component
- wattful component
- wattless component
- zero-phase-sequence component
- zero-sequence component
- zero-frequency component