1) цикл; такт; период || периодически повторять(ся); совершать цикл
2) цикл, круговой процесс ( в термодинамике )
3) периодический процесс
cycles per second — герц, Гц;
to restart cycle — повторять цикл ( обработки )
cycle of operation — 1. рабочий цикл 2. цикл заряд - разряд
cycle of vibration — период колебаний
- ac cycle
- access cycle
- ammonia cycle
- automatic lubrication cycle
- automatic probing cycle
- automatic repeat cycle
- binary cycle
- binary-vapor cycle
- biological cycle
- braking cycle
- Brayton cycle
- brine cycle
- burning cycle
- burn-out cycle
- canned milling cycle
- Carno cycle
- catalyst cycle
- charge/discharge cycle
- charging cycle
- clock cycle
- closed cycle
- closed fuel cycle
- CNC cycle
- coal gasification-combined cycle
- code generation cycle
- colocated fuel cycle
- completely reversed stress cycle
- component drain cycle
- composite cycle
- compression ignition cycle
- compression refrigeration cycle
- computer cycle
- constant-pressure cycle
- continuous face cycle
- CPU cycle
- cross-progeny fuel cycle
- denatured fuel cycle
- digging cycle
- direct steam cycle
- direct-expansion cycle
- display cycle
- diurnal cycle
- drawdown-refill cycle
- drifting cycle
- drive cycle
- duty cycle
- energy conversion cycle
- equilibrium fuel cycle
- equipressure cycle
- extended-burnup fuel cycle
- fatigue cycle
- fetch cycle
- filter cycle
- fixed control cycle
- fluctuation cycle
- four-stroke cycle
- freeze-thaw cycle
- fuel cycle
- fuel-breeding cycle
- fusion fuel cycle
- gas turbine cycle
- gas-turbine power cycle
- generator cycle
- glacial cycle
- half cycle
- haul cycle
- heat cycle
- heat power cycle
- heat reclaim cycle
- heating cycle
- helium cycle
- highway driving cycle
- hydrogen cycle
- hydrologic cycle
- hysteresis cycle
- ideal adiabatic cycle
- ideal cycle
- indirect-fired gas turbine cycle
- injection refrigeration cycle
- inspection cycle
- instruction cycle
- intermittent cycle
- interstate driving cycle
- Joule cycle
- life cycle
- limit cycle
- Linde cycle
- load-haul-dump cycle
- loading cycle
- low-proliferation risk fuel cycle
- machine cycle
- machining cycle
- magnetic cycle
- mean cycles between failures
- mechano-chemical cycle
- memory cycle
- moisture cycle
- multipressure cycle
- neutron cycle
- nitrogen cycle
- NTSC four-field cycle
- nuclear fuel cycle
- null cycle
- once-through fuel cycle
- on-duty cycle
- on-off use cycle
- open cycle
- open fuel cycle
- operating cycle
- operation cycle
- operational cycle
- out-of-pile fuel cycle
- PAL eight-field cycle
- pallet transfer cycle
- photographic cycle
- picture cycle
- Plank cycle
- postreactor fuel cycle
- power generation cycle
- power cycle
- precoat cycle
- preprogrammed cycle
- pressure cycle
- processing cycle
- program cycle
- programming cycle
- quasi-biennial cycle
- Rankine cycle
- redox cycle
- refrigeration cycle
- regeneration cycle
- regrind cycle
- reheating cycle
- reheat cycle
- repeated-stress cycle
- repetitive dressing cycle
- retention cycle
- reversed-stress cycle
- reversible cycle
- ringing cycle
- search cycle
- SECAM twelve-field cycle
- service cycle
- setup cycle
- shutter cycle
- single turbo-compressor rotor cycle
- single-loop steam cycle
- single-reheat cycle
- sinking cycle
- skipped cycle
- sodium cycle
- software life cycle
- specialized machining cycle
- standard rating cycle
- steam cycle
- steam-jet refrigeration cycle
- steam-power cycle
- steam-water cycle
- Stirling cycle
- storage cycle
- strain cycle
- stress cycle
- suburban driving cycle
- sunspot cycle
- symbiotic fuel cycle
- tailout cycle
- tap-to-tap cycle
- test cycle
- thermal cycle
- thermal fatigue cycle
- thermodynamic cycle
- thorium-based fuel cycle
- thorium fuel cycle
- three-loop steam cycle
- throw-away fuel cycle
- tidal cycle
- timing cycle
- tool inspection cycle
- total cycle
- Tripol ammonia cycle
- two-loop steam cycle
- two-stroke cycle
- typical machining cycle
- uranium cycle
- urban driving cycle
- vapor-compression refrigerating cycle
- vapor-compression refrigeration cycle
- vital cycle
- voltage cycle
- water cycle
- work cycle
- xenon poisoning cycle
- zero-to-compression stress cycle
- zero-to-tension stress cycle