Англо-русский перевод GAGE

1) средство (для) измерений; (контрольно-)измерительный прибор; измеритель; (контрольно-)измерительный инструмент; измерительное устройство || измерять

2) калибр; мера; размер; сортамент; толщина ( листового металла ) ; диаметр ( проволоки или винта )

3) поверять; калибровать; градуировать

4) шаблон; лекало

5) эталон

6) датчик, (первичный) измерительный преобразователь

7) манометр; вакуумметр, вакуумный манометр

8) гидр. уровнемер; водомер

9) водомерный пост

10) матем. калибр ( топологического пространства )

11) номер сита

12) маяк, правило ( при устройстве асфальтобетонного или бетонного покрытия )

13) рейсмус || размечать с помощью рейсмуса

14) ширина видимой части ряда кровельного материала

15) обрабатывать по размеру ( камень или кирпич )

16) колея, ширина колеи

17) типографская линейка

18) гейч ( вязальной машины )

19) класс ( трикотажной машины )

to encase strain gage in cement — изготавливать тензодатчик в плёнке клея;

to keep material on gage — поддерживать параметры материала ( напр. толщину ) в заданных пределах;

to mount strain gage — устанавливать тензодатчик;

to reverse a gage — менять меру ( напр. длины ) концами;

gage with metric scale — индикатор с метрической шкалой

- absolute gage

- absolute vacuum gage

- acceptance gage

- accumulative precipitation gage

- acoustical strain gage

- acoustic strain gage

- active strain gage

- adjustable gage

- adjustable rail gage

- adjuster gage

- adzing gage

- AE gage

- Agir water gage

- air filter vacuum gage

- air gage

- air pressure gage

- air restriction gage

- air-operated gage

- alarm pressure gage

- alcohol gage

- American wire gage

- angular gage

- auxiliary staff gage

- back gage

- ball gage

- ball plug gage

- battery gage

- Bayard-Alpert gage

- bayonet gage

- bellows gage

- belt strand tension gage

- bench gage

- beta-absorption gage

- beta gage

- Birmingham wire gage

- block gage

- bonded strain gage

- bottom-hole pressure gage

- Bourdon pressure gage

- box gage

- brine gage

- broad based depth gage

- broad gage

- bubble gage

- buoyant-element level gage

- butt gage

- caliper gage

- cap gage

- capacitance strain gage

- capacitance gage

- center gage

- charge gage

- check gage

- circumferential strain gage

- clapboard gage

- clearance gage

- cold-cathode ionization gage

- Collins flow gage

- comb gage

- combination gage

- combined pressure gage

- compression gage

- concentricity gage

- consistency gage

- contact gage

- contact pressure gage

- contour gage

- control gage

- convergence gage

- counter gage

- crankshaft gage

- curve gage

- cutting gage

- damped pressure gage

- deadweight gage

- deep-sea tsunami gage

- density gage

- depth gage

- dew gage

- dial bore gage

- dial gage

- diametral gage

- diaphragm pressure gage

- differential pressure gage

- differential vacuum gage

- digital pressure gage

- digital weighing gage

- dimension gage

- direct pressure gage

- direct-measuring gage

- direct-reading gage

- discharge gage

- downhole casing wall thickness gage

- draft gage

- drainage gage

- draught gage

- drift diameter pipe gage

- drilling bit gage

- dual boost gage

- dummy strain gage

- edge-reading gage

- elastic-element pressure gage

- electrical resistance strain gage

- electrical strain gage

- electrical temperature gage

- electrically heated snow gage

- electrical-type strain gage

- electromagnetic strain gage

- end gage

- engine coolant level gage

- evapotranspiration gage

- extended track position gage

- external gage

- external strain gage

- fast-response gage

- fast gage

- feeler gage

- female gage

- fillet gage

- film gage

- fixed river gage

- flat-ended gage

- flatness gage

- flexible gage

- float gage

- flood gage

- flow gage

- flowmeter pressure gage

- fluid content gage

- foil strain gage

- force gage

- force-feedback gage

- frame gage

- free-piston gage

- fuel level gage

- fuel pressure gage

- fuel quantity gage

- gamma-absorption gage

- gap gage

- gas density gage

- gas gage

- gasoline gage

- general-purpose pressure gage

- glass gage

- go gage

- go-no-go gage

- grinding gage

- grouser height depth gage

- hardness gage

- high-water gage

- hook gage

- horseshoe gage

- hose skiving gage

- hot-cathode ionization gage

- hot-cathode magnetron gage

- inclined staff gage

- indentation depth gage

- indicating gage

- inductance strain gage

- industrial gage

- inprocess gage

- inside gage

- inspection gage

- integral pressure gage

- internal gage

- ionization gage

- ion gage

- ionization pressure gage

- irradiated fuel assay gage

- jaw gage

- Johansson gage

- joint clearance gage

- keyway gage

- Knudsen gage

- laser gage

- laser rain gage

- lead gage

- length gage

- level difference gage

- level gage

- lever gage

- lever-type piston gage

- limit gage

- limit plug gage

- line gage

- line space gage

- liquid level gage

- loading gage

- low-water gage

- magnetron gage

- male gage

- manometer gage

- marking gage

- master gage

- McLeod gage

- mechanical pressure gage

- mechanical strain gage

- mechanical temperature gage

- mercurial gage

- metal-film strain gage

- metric gage

- micrometer gage

- micropressure gage

- milk gage

- modulator ionization gage

- moire strain gage

- molecular gage

- mortise gage

- multichecking indicator gage

- must gage

- narrow gage

- needle gage

- no-go gage

- noncontact gage

- normal gage

- nude gage

- nude-ion gage

- oil circulation gage

- oil gage

- oil pressure gage

- oil temperature gage

- oil-depth gage

- optical flat gage

- optical rain gage

- optical strain gage

- packing gage

- paper gage

- paper sheet gage

- paper-backed strain gage

- parallel slip gage

- partial pressure gage

- partial-pressure vacuum gage

- Penning pressure gage

- perforation gage

- petrol gage

- Philips gage

- photoelastic strain gage

- piezoelectric strain gage

- piezoresistive strain gage

- pin gage

- pipe gage

- Pirani gage

- piston gage

- pit rain gage

- Pitot tube gage

- Pitot gage

- plug gage

- pneumatic gage

- pneumatic strain gage

- point gage

- pointer gage

- position gage

- postprocess gage

- postyield strain gage

- precipitation gage

- precision gage

- pressure gage

- pressure tide gage

- pressure-recording gage

- pressure-vacuum compound recording gage

- pressure-vacuum gage

- primary gage

- production gage

- profile gage

- quartz gage

- radioactive gage

- radioactive ionization gage

- radioisotope snow gage

- radiometer pressure gage

- radiometer vacuum gage

- radius gage

- rail gage

- rain gage

- recording rain gage

- Redhead gage

- reed gage

- reference gage

- reference water gage

- regular pressure gage

- remote rain gage

- resistance strain gage

- resistivity gage

- resonance gage

- retracted track position gage

- reuse gage

- ring gage

- ring seal gage

- river gage

- rod gage

- rosette-type strain gage

- roundness gage

- rubber gage

- sagitta gage

- sampling gage

- saw gage

- screw pitch gage

- sea gage

- section gage

- sectional staff gage

- seepage gage

- self-balancing strain gage

- self-temperature-compensating gage

- semiconductor strain gage

- setting gage

- setup gage

- sheet metal gage

- sheet gage

- shifting gage

- siding gage

- sight gage

- sight level gage

- silphon gage

- single-end gage

- single-head gage

- size gage

- slanting hole rain gage

- slant-tube gage

- slide gage

- slip gage

- sloping gage

- slur gage

- smoke gage

- snap gage

- snow gage

- snow-depth gage

- snow-drift gage

- soil rain gage

- sonic gage

- spherical-ended gage

- spherical-piston gage

- spindle-mounted strain gage

- spindle strain gage

- staff gage

- stage gage

- standard gage

- standard test gage

- standard wire gage

- stepped plug gage

- strain gage

- stream gage

- stress gage

- strip gage

- subsurface water gage

- suction gage

- suppressor ionization gage

- surface finish gage

- surface gage

- Swedish gage

- tank-level gage

- tank gage

- taper gage

- temperature gage

- template gage

- test gage

- thermal conductivity gage

- thermal gage

- thermistor gage

- thermistor vacuum gage

- thermocouple vacuum gage

- thickness dial gage

- thickness gage

- thread gage

- tide gage

- tilt and runout gage

- tipping-bucket rain gage

- tire depth gage

- toe-in gage

- tong torque gage

- tool-setting gage

- totalizer precipitation gage

- totalizer rain gage

- track gage

- track pitch gage

- track sag gage

- transducer gage

- tread depth gage

- tubing gage

- type-high gage

- unbonded strain gage

- unpacked-piston gage

- U-tube gage

- vacuum gage

- vacuum ionization gage

- vacuum pressure gage

- vacuum-backed piston gage

- valve lash gage

- velocity gage

- vernier depth gage

- vernier height gage

- vernier-caliper gage

- viscosity gage

- visual-indicating gage

- volt gage

- water level gage

- wave gage

- wear-and-tear gage

- weather gage

- weighing-type rain and snow gage

- weir gage

- weldable strain gage

- wide gage

- wind gage

- wine-level gage

- wire feeler gage

- wire gage

- wire strain gage

- wire-weight gage

- working gage

- X-ray gage

- X-ray thickness gage

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.