Англо-русский перевод IDENTIFICATION

1) идентификация, отождествление

2) опознавание; распознавание

3) обозначение; маркировка; индекс

identification by diffraction analysis — идентификация ( образца ) методом структурного анализа

identification of snow cover — распознавание снежного покрова ( со спутника )

identification of wires — прозвонка жил кабеля

- aerial identification

- aircraft identification

- automatic car identification

- channel identification

- component identification

- decoy identification

- emitter identification

- emitter location identification

- flight occurrence identification

- flight report identification

- friend-or-foe identification

- ground-objects identification

- image identification

- in-flight target identification

- infrared identification

- lead identification

- level identification

- mass-spectrometric identification

- message identification

- nuclear magnetic resonance identification

- object identification

- oil pollution identification

- pallet identification

- parts identification

- pattern identification

- phoneme identification

- radar blip identification

- radar target identification

- signal identification

- source identification

- speaker identification

- spectral identification

- squawk identification

- station identification

- symbol identification

- tape identification

- target identification

- train identification

- visual part identification

Big English-Russian polytechnic dictionary .      Большой Англо-Русский политехнический словарь.