1) обычно pl расходы, издержки, затраты
2) цена, стоимость, себестоимость [c crimson]|| назначать цену, расценивать товар
- cost and freight
- at cost
- at any cost
- at heavy cost
- at the cost of
- below cost
- cost charged to current expense accounts
- free of cost
- cost, insurance, freight
- cost, insurance, freight and commission
- cost, insurance, freight and exchange
- cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
- next to cost
- cost or market, whichever is lower
- costs per day
- cost per pounds 100 output
- cost per unit
- cost to buy
- cost to hold
- incur cost
- prune away cost
- cost to the consumer
- cost under certainty
- cost of apprenticeship
- cost of borrowing
- cost of capital
- cost of carry
- cost of carrying inventory
- cost of doing business
- cost of entry
- cost of flotation
- cost of idleness
- cost of inspection
- cost of installation
- cost of interrupted service
- cost of labor per acre
- cost of living
- cost of pest control
- cost of products sold
- cost of providing service
- cost of queue
- cost of reclamation
- cost of reliability
- cost of resales
- cost of sales
- cost of scrap
- cost of stockout
- cost of unreliability
- cost of wrong decision
- absorbed cost
- accident cost
- acquisition cost
- actual cost
- added traffic cost
- adjusted historical cost
- adjustment cost
- aftershipment cost
- airline cost
- allocable cost
- allowable cost
- alternative cost
- amortized cost
- anticipated cost
- appraisal cost
- average unit cost
- back-order cost
- basic cost
- basic standard cost
- beforeshipment cost
- book cost
- borrowing cost
- break-even cost
- break in cost
- budgeted cost
- bulk-line cost
- bunched cost
- burden cost
- capacity cost
- capital cost
- capital cost per annum
- capitalizable cost
- capitalized cost
- carrier cost
- changeover cost
- circulation cost
- cleared-in cost
- collection cost
- commercial cost
- committed cost
- commodity cost
- common cost
- comparative cost
- complaint cost
- concave cost
- conditional cost
- constant cost
- contract cost
- controllable cost
- conversion costs
- convex cost
- court costs
- crash cost
- crawl-out cost
- cultivation cost
- current cost
- current-outlay cost
- current standard cost
- cycle inventory cost
- decreasing cost
- deductible cost
- defect cost
- deficiency cost
- delivery cost
- departmental cost
- depleted cost
- depreciable cost
- depreciated cost
- depreciation cost
- design cost
- deterioration cost
- development cost
- differential cost
- direct cost
- direct labor cost
- direct operating cost
- direct payroll cost
- disadvantage cost
- discounted cost
- distribution cost
- downstream cost
- downtime cost
- drying cost
- economic cost
- environmental cost
- equipment capital cost
- erection cost
- escapable cost
- estimated cost
- evaluation cost
- expected cost of uncertainty
- expected total cost
- expired cost
- explicit cost
- external cost
- extramarket cost
- fabrication cost
- factor cost
- factor mobility cost
- factory cost
- failure cost
- farm production cost
- fattening cost
- feed cost
- fertilizing cost
- final cost
- first cost
- fixed cost
- food cost
- fuel cost
- growth cost
- guarantee cost
- handling cost
- harvesting costs
- haul cost
- hiring cost
- historical cost
- holding cost
- hourly cost
- idle time cost
- implicit cost
- imputed cost
- increasing cost
- incremental cost
- incremental cost of service
- incremental energy cost
- incremental production costs
- independent cost
- indirect cost
- indirect labor cost
- indirect payroll cost
- industry average cost
- information cost
- initial cost
- initial production cost
- innovation costs
- insurance cost
- intake water cost
- intangible cost
- inventory cost
- inventory holding cost
- inventory possession cost
- invoice cost
- irrigation cost
- joint cost
- labor cost
- labor cost per unit produced
- launching costs
- layoff cost
- least cost
- life cycle cost
- life repair cost
- linear cost
- line-haul cost
- long-run marginal cost
- lot quantity cost
- lump-sum cost
- maintenance cost
- management cost
- man-power cost
- manufacturing cost
- marginal cost
- marginal cost of acquisition
- marginal cost of capital
- marginal-factor cost
- marginal industry costs
- marginal unit costs
- marketing cost
- market transaction cost
- menu cost
- merchandising cost
- miscellaneous cost
- negotiated cost
- net cost
- nominal cost
- noncontrollable cost
- nonlinear cost
- nonmanufacturing cost
- nonrecurring cost
- normal cost
- obsolescence costs
- onetime cost
- operating cost
- opportunity cost
- opportunity cost of not being at work
- ordering cost
- order initiation cost
- organization cost
- original cost
- out-of-pocket cost
- out-of-pocket unit cost
- output cost
- overall cost
- overdraft cost
- overhaul cost
- overhead cost
- overtime cost
- owning cost
- passenger-mile cost
- payroll cost
- perfection standard cost
- period cost
- personnel retention cost
- platform handling cost
- pollution abatement cost
- postponable cost
- power cost
- predetermined cost
- predicted cost
- preparation cost
- preproduction cost
- present worth cost
- pretax financing cost
- price-determining cost
- prime cost
- process cost
- processing cost
- procurement cost
- product cost
- production cost
- program cost
- programmed cost
- progress-generating cost
- prohibitive cost
- project cost
- purchase cost
- pure cost of circulation
- quality cost
- quality-inspection cost
- real cost
- rearing cost
- recoverable cost
- recurring cost
- reduction cost
- reject cost
- related cost
- relative cost
- relevant cost
- removal cost
- renewal cost
- reoperation cost
- reorder cost
- repair costs
- replacement cost
- replacement depreciation cost
- replenishment cost
- reproduction cost
- reproduction new cost
- research-and-development cost
- reservation cost
- residual cost
- rework cost
- round-trip cost
- running cost
- salvage cost
- scheduled cost
- scrap cost
- search cost
- selling cost
- separable cost
- serving cost
- setting-up cost
- shadow cost
- shelter cost
- shipping cost
- shoe leather cost
- shop cost
- shortage cost
- short-run marginal cost
- should cost
- smoothing cost
- social marginal cost
- socially necessary cost
- space cost
- specific cost
- specification cost
- spiralling cost
- spoilage cost
- standard cost
- standby cost
- standing cost
- starting-and-stopping cost
- starting-load cost
- start-up cost
- stock-holding cost
- stocking cost
- storage cost
- sunk cost
- supplementary cost
- supplementary employee cost
- support cost
- tangible cost
- target cost
- total delay cost
- total unit cost
- traceable cost
- training cost
- transaction cost
- transfer costs
- transportation costs
- treating cost
- trust cost
- ultimate cost
- unamortized cost
- unavoidable cost
- underwriting cost
- unit cost
- unit factor cost
- unit labor cost
- unit operating cost
- unit wage cost
- unrecovered cost
- upkeep cost
- user cost
- variable cost
- verification cost
- warehousing cost
- warranty cost
- welfare cost
- wintering cost
- working cost