1) цена, стоимость; себестоимость
2) pl расходы; издержки, затраты
- carrying cost
- conversion costs
- cost of installation
- costs of production
- deprecation cost
- direct labor cost
- downtime costs
- external failure costs
- factory burden costs
- final cost
- fixed costs
- given costs
- indirect costs
- indirect labor cost
- initial cost
- internal failure costs
- least product cost
- machining cost per piece
- machining cost
- maintenance costs
- maintenance labor costs
- manufacturing cost per part
- manufacturing cost
- manufacturing labor costs
- move costs
- off-machine costs
- operating costs
- part cost
- per-part cost
- personnel costs
- piece cost
- planning costs
- prevention costs
- programmer retraining costs
- quality costs
- rental cost
- reorder costs
- repair/down cost
- running costs
- servicing costs
- setup cost
- setup labor cost
- stock cost
- stocking cost
- systems engineering costs
- unit cost
- unitary machining cost
- warranty costs
- work costs
- working costs