1) линия, кривая (на графике) [c crimson]|| проводить линию
2) граница, предел
3) конвейер, поточная линия
4) ассортимент; партия товаров; pl товары
5) линия (судоходная, железнодорожная, телефонная)
6) направление, курс
7) род или сфера деятельности; отрасль
8) ТМО очередь
9) происхождение, родословная, генеалогия
10) pl разг. свидетельство о браке
11) линейное подразделение (фирмы)
- above the line
- below the line
- in line with
- out of line
- line up
- write a line
- line of activity
- line of business
- line of closest fit
- line of command
- line of credit
- line of deposit
- line of goods
- line of guarantee
- line of regression
- acceptance line
- assembly line
- automated line
- balanced line
- bank line
- belt line
- branch line
- commodity lines
- consumer lines
- electric-power distribution line
- express line
- firm line
- first-class lines
- government poverty line
- hardware lines
- heavy line
- higher-margin lines
- intercity bus line
- isolevel line
- Lake lines
- life line
- main line
- main onshore transmission line
- manufacturer-advertised lines
- manufacturing line
- marriage lines
- mass production line
- merchandise lines
- motor bus line
- new product line
- price line
- processing line
- product line
- production line
- progressive assembly line
- quick-selling lines
- railway line
- rural bus line
- service line
- shipping line
- slow-moving lines
- solution line
- stock line
- total product line
- tramp line
- transfer line
- trend line
- trunk line
- unitrain line
- waiting line