Англо-русский перевод LINE

1) линия; кривая

2) линия, производственная линия; участок

3) серия, гамма ( напр. станков )

4) строка; кадр УП ( станка с ЧПУ )

5) магистраль; трубопровод; канал

6) облицовка; футеровка || облицовывать; футеровать

7) устанавливать соосно; выставлять по одной линии

dead in line — строго соосный

line per minute — строк в минуту, число строк в минуту ( единица скорости работы, напр. печатающего устройства )

- adaptive control transfer line

- adaptive manufacturing line

- addendum line

- adiabatic line

- air line

- arithmetical mean line of the profile

- assembling line

- assembly line

- asynchronized line

- automated grinding line

- automated line

- automated machine assembly line

- automatic rotary line

- base line

- basic line

- belt pitch line

- block and head line

- blurred line

- boring line

- branch line

- broach line

- broaching line

- broken line

- build line

- calibration line

- carousel buffer line

- catenary line

- center line of blade profile

- center line of fluid flow

- center line of mass

- center line of root

- center line of rotation

- center line of spindle

- center line

- central reference line

- checked line

- CNC cell line

- CNC transfer line

- code line

- coding line

- coil line

- coiled line

- command line

- concurrent lines

- constant-pressure line

- construction lines

- contact line

- continuous line of shafting

- continuous line

- control line

- conveyor line

- conveyorized line

- coolant line

- cooling lines

- crane clearance line

- curve line

- curved line

- cutting plane line

- dash line

- dash-and-dot line

- datum line

- dedendum line

- dedicated line

- delay line

- delivery line

- desired line of cut

- die line

- digital line

- dimension line

- discharge line

- DNC line

- dot-and-dash line

- dotted line

- double-belt assembly line

- drain line

- drilling line

- driven-roller line

- earthed line

- echo line

- effective line of action

- elastic line

- equiclearance contour line

- exhaust line

- extension line

- extraheavy line

- face line of tooth

- faint grid lines

- feed line

- final assembly line

- finish line

- flank line

- flexible flow line

- flexible transfer line

- flow line

- FMS line

- free-form line

- fuel line

- full line

- generating line

- generator line

- ghost lines

- graduation line

- grinding line

- grounded line

- guide line

- hair line

- hard automation line

- heavy line

- helical line

- helix line

- hidden line

- high-volume laser production line

- housing line

- hydraulic line

- hyperboloid generating line

- in line with

- index line

- indexing line

- influence line

- initial straight line of reference

- inlet line

- instantaneous line of contact

- instruction main line

- intake line

- intermediate language line

- isobaric line

- isochoric line

- isomancost line

- isothermal line

- junction line

- killed line

- knuckle line

- large prismatic machining line

- layout line

- lead line

- leader line

- less robotized line

- level line

- line of action

- line of contact

- line of debris

- line of engagement

- line of fluid flow

- line of machines

- line of profile peaks

- line of profile valleys

- line of slide

- lines of NC code

- live line

- load line

- local line

- lubrication line

- machine-tool product line

- machining center line

- machining center-based line

- machining line

- manufacturing line

- margin line

- match line

- mean line

- metalforming machines line

- metalforming machines transfer line

- milling line

- mismatch contour line

- mixed line

- multiple lines of reasoning

- multiple product line

- multiproduct flow line

- multirobot machining line

- multistation line

- Nagare line

- nonsynchronous transfer line

- numerically controlled line of machines

- oil line

- outlet line

- output limit line

- overlapped scan lines

- paced assembly line

- paint line

- pallet line

- pallet table line

- pallet transfer line

- pallet transporter line

- palletized transfer line

- parameter line

- part manual line

- parting line

- perpendicular line

- phantom line

- pilot line

- piston manufacturing line

- pitch line

- plumb line

- power line

- pre-filled line

- press line

- pressure line

- pressure lubrication line

- pressure purge line

- pressure relief line

- primary contact line

- prismatic machining line

- prismatic parts FMS line

- product line

- production line

- pump line

- pumping line

- purge line

- quasi-synchronous line

- recirculated line

- reference line

- reference rack pitch line

- representative line

- return lubrication line

- robot welding line

- robotized line

- robot-manned line

- root line

- rotary transfer line

- rotational parts FMS line

- rotational parts line

- sampling line

- sawing line

- scale line

- scanning lines

- scavenging line

- screw line

- scribe line

- scribed line

- secondary contact line

- secondary pumping line

- semiautomated line

- sequential production line

- service line

- shaft line

- shear line

- shearing line

- sheet line

- side line

- signal main line

- simulated production line

- single-component transfer line

- skew lines

- sky line

- slanting line

- slide line

- small prismatic machining line

- solid line

- special boring line

- spiral line

- split lines

- spot-welding line

- steel fabrication line

- straight line

- suction line

- suction lubrication line

- superimposed line

- supply line

- synchronized line

- synchronized transfer line

- synchronous line

- synchronous transfer line

- tank return line

- tape line

- thin line

- tip line

- to line out

- to line up

- tooth bearing contour line

- tooth center line

- top line

- tow line

- transfer line

- transfer machining line

- transmission line

- transporter line

- transverse line of action

- trunk line

- turning line

- unbalanced production line

- unit line

- utility line

- vacuum line

- vehicle conveyor line

- vortex line

- walking-beam transfer line

- way-type line

- wear distribution line

- weld line

- welding assembly line

- working hydraulic line

- working line

- zero line

English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation 2.      Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства 2.