Англо-русский перевод ADJUSTMENT

сущ. 1) исправление 2) улаживание; урегулирование (производственных конфликтов) 3) уточнение, поправка 4) регулирование, выверка, согласование, приведение в соответствие 5) приспособительная реакция (к изменяющимся условиям) • - acquisition adjustment - adjustment acquisition - adjustment between demand and supply - adjustment clause - adjustment for discrepancies - adjustment for grouping - adjustment for inflation - adjustment in labor skills - adjustment in the price - adjustment inventory - adjustment measures - adjustment of a difference - adjustment of a schedule - adjustment of account - adjustment of an account - adjustment of average - adjustment of benefits - adjustment of claims - adjustment of debts - adjustment of economy to monetary changes - adjustment of flows of savings and investment - adjustment of national income - adjustment of observations - adjustment of prices - adjustment of rates - adjustment of stocks - adjustment of supplies to current demand - adjustment of wage rates - adjustment of wages and salaries - adjustment policy - adjustment process - administrative adjustment - age heaping adjustment - agricultural adjustment - annual adjustment - automatical adjustment - automatic adjustment - basic adjustment - capital-stock adjustment - claims adjustment - cost of living adjustment - cost-of-living adjustment - cost-prices-output adjustment - currency adjustment - cyclical adjustment - depreciation adjustment account - dollar adjustment - downward adjustment - downward adjustment - economic adjustment - employment adjustment - exchange adjustment - farm boundary adjustment - final adjustment of plan targets - financial adjustment - graphical adjustment - graphic adjustment - income adjustment - industrial adjustment - interest rate adjustment - inventory adjustment - inventory valuation adjustment - least-squares adjustment - long-run adjustment - money-wage adjustment - par value adjustment - portfolio adjustment - postwar adjustment - price adjustment - price level adjustment - quantity adjustment - rolling adjustment - scale adjustment - seasonable adjustments - short-run adjustment - stock adjustment - structural adjustments - trading-day adjustment - upward adjustment - wage-level adjustment Syn: adaptation, accommodation, facilities, fit, fitting, refinement

English-Russian dictionary of economics.      Англо-Русский словарь по экономике.