Англо-русский перевод INVESTIGATION

1) расследование; дознание 2) изучение (вопроса) 3) рассмотрение (дела) • area for investigation — сфера расследования; investigation at the trial — судебное следствие; investigation by default — заочное рассмотрение (дела); to mount an investigation — начать расследование; to pursue investigation — производить расследование - active investigation - additional investigation - attorney's investigation - background investigation - case investigation - civil investigation - clandestine investigation - collateral investigation - committee investigation - community investigation - complete investigation - congressional investigation - continuing investigation - coroner's investigation - crime investigation - detective investigation - dismissed investigation - domestic investigation - dropped investigation - drug investigation - duplicative investigation - field investigation - final investigation - follow-up investigation - foreign investigation - full-scale investigation - further investigation - future investigation - government investigation - grand investigation - home investigation - House investigation - initial investigation - internal investigation - internal security investigation - introductory investigation - investigation of accident - investigation of crime - judicial investigation - latent investigation - later investigation - law enforcement investigation - lawful investigation - legal investigation - legislative investigation - major investigation - ongoing investigation - parallel investigation - parliamentary investigation - patrol investigation - pending investigation - personal investigation - police investigation - preliminary investigation - preparole investigation - presentence investigation and report - presentence investigation - pre-trial investigation - private investigation - proactive investigation - prosecutorial investigation - racketeering investigation - reactive investigation - Senate investigation - sensitive investigation - social investigation - special investigation - subcommittee investigation - supplementary investigation - unlawful investigation

Андрианов С.Н., Берсон А.С.. English-Russian law dictionary .      Англо-Русский юридический словарь.