Meaning of INVESTIGATION in English



▪ careful , close , detailed

▪ extensive

The authorities conducted an extensive ~ into his tax affairs.

▪ full , in-depth , thorough

▪ preliminary

After conducting preliminary ~s, government lawyers will set out areas of concern.

▪ ongoing

The ongoing ~ has led to numerous intelligence leads.

▪ criminal , homicide ( AmE ), murder , police

▪ congressional , federal , government

▪ internal

The board of directors commissioned its own internal ~.

▪ independent

▪ empirical , scientific


▪ carry out , conduct , pursue , undertake

Police are still pursuing their ~s.

▪ initiate , launch , order

▪ call for , demand

He called for ~ into the hospital's management.

▪ head , lead , oversee

▪ complete

▪ deserve , merit , require , warrant

These claims certainly warrant further ~.

▪ impede , obstruct

He was on trial for allegedly obstructing an ~ into the bank's dealings.


▪ demonstrate sth , reveal sth , show sth , uncover sth

Closer ~ showed a flaw in this theory.

▪ conclude , show , suggest

An official ~ concluded that 9 000 people were killed or went missing during that period.


▪ on ~

On ~, the noise turned out to be only a door banging.

▪ under ~

The singer is currently under ~ for possessing illegal drugs.

▪ ~ into

Police have launched an ~ into the allegations.


▪ the subject of an ~

The matter is the subject of a police ~, and we cannot comment.

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .