Англо-русский перевод GRINDER

1) шлифовальный станок 2) заточный станок 3) шлифовщик 4) дробилка; мельница • - abrasive belt head grinder - abrasive belt surface grinder - abrasive disk grinder - air grinder - angle approach grinder - angle grinder - angled wheelhead grinder - angle-head cylindrical grinder - automatic face grinder - balance correction grinder - ball grinder - ball way grinder - ballscrew grinder - band grinder - belt-type grinder - bench grinder - cam grinder - cam lobe grinder - carbide grinder - carbide tool grinder - center hole grinder - centerless grinder - centerless internal grinder - center-type grinder - chucking grinder - circular grinder - CNC cylindrical grinder - CNC grinder - contour grinder - crank-pin grinder - crankshaft grinder - creep feed grinder - cutoff grinder - cutter grinder - cylindrical grinder - disk grinder - double-disk grinder - double-disk surface grinder - double-ended grinder - double-head grinder - double-spindle opposed disk grinder - drill grinder - dual grinder - electric portable grinder - electrolytic grinder - electrolytic tool grinder - electrolytically-assisted abrasive grinder - external grinder - face grinder - flat surface grinder - flute grinder - form grinder - gear grinder - gear tooth profile grinder - generating grinder - internal bore grinder - internal bore-and-face grinder - internal grinder - internal thread grinder - jig grinder - knife grinder - mass production grinder - miniature grinder - multisurface grinder - multiwheel grinder - NC grinder - NC pin grinder - nonNC grinder - PC grinder - pedestal grinder - peripheral grinder - plain grinder - planer-type surface grinder - plunge-cut cylindrical grinder - pneumatic grinder - portable grinder - precision form gear grinder - production grinder - profile grinder - profile surface grinder - punch and die grinder - relief grinder - roll grinder - rotary surface grinder - rotary table grinder - saddle-type surface grinder - shoe centerless internal grinder - slideway grinder - snagging grinder - spline grinder - straight wheelhead grinder - surface grinder - swing frame grinder - T-and-C grinder - thread grinder - threaded-wheel gear grinder - throughfeed grinder - tool grinder - tool-and-cutter grinder - toolroom cylindrical grinder - toolroom grinder - toolroom surface grinder - tooth profile grinder - track grinder - traveling wheelhead grinder - turret belt grinder - turret head grinder - twin-head grinder - twist drill grinder - universal circular grinder - universal tool grinder - valve grinder - way grinder - wet grinder - worm grinder

Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation.      Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства.