1) склад; накопитель, складской накопитель; магазин 2) складирование; хранение на складе, в накопителе или магазине || складировать; хранить 3) вчт. память данных; запоминающее устройство, ЗУ 4) запоминание; накопление || запоминать; накапливать (напр. данные) • - archival storage - associative storage - automated storage and retrieval - battery energy storage - billet prep storage - buffer storage - bulk tool storage - carousel storage - carry storage - cassette storage - central buffer storage - central data storage - central storage - circulating storage - common storage - computer storage - content-addressed storage - control storage - cutter prep storage - data storage - depository storage - diode matrix storage - direct access storage - disk storage - dynamic storage - electromagnetic storage - energy storage - erasable storage - external storage - ferrite storage - ferrite-core storage - floppy disk storage - general storage - high-level rack storage - high-speed storage - high-stacking storage - immediate-access storage - information storage - in-process storage - instantaneous storage - integrated storage - intermediate storage - internal storage - live storage - local storage - long term storage - machine mounted tool storage - magnetic core storage - magnetic storage - magnetic tape storage - main storage - mass storage - modular storage - multipart program storage - multiple program storage - off-line storage - on-line storage - operating storage - pallet storage - palletized storage - part program storage - part storage - permanent storage - point storage - point-data storage - point-of-use storage - primary storage - process storage - processor storage - program storage - punched tape loaded storage - quick-access storage - rack storage - random access storage - random pallet storage - random storage - random tool storage - redundant storage - redundant tool storage - secondary storage - slow storage - static storage - supplementary storage - temporary storage - tool storage - unit storage - unmanned parts storage - vertical cage storage - vertical static storage - volatile storage - working storage - working temporary storage - work-in-process storage - workpiece storage - zero-access storage
Англо-русский перевод STORAGE
Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation. Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства. 2003