Англо-русский перевод TECHNOLOGY

1) технология; технические приёмы 2) техника; технические средства 3) технические знания; технический опыт, систематизированный технический опыт 4) техническая терминология • - actuation technology - actuator technology - advanced manufacturing technology - aggregate technology - AI-based robotics technology - assembly technology - audiovisual technology - automatic eddy current technology - automation technology - automative technology - CAD/CAM technology - CADCAM technology - CAM technology - capacitance technology - capacitance-sensing technology - CBN grinding technology - cell manufacturing technology - CIM-based technology - CIMIS technologies - CNC technology - communication technology - computer-aided technology - computer-driven technology - control technology - conveyance technologies - cutoff sawing technology - cutting edge technology - cutting machine tool technology - cutting technology - cutting tool technology - digital eddy current technology - digital imaging technology - digital technology - DNC technology - eddy current technology - electroheat technology - electronic technology - enabling technology - engineering technology - enterprise management technology - fabricating technology - fast-developing control technology - field-proven technology - five-axis technology - flexible manufacturing technology - FMS technology - force-based technology - framework technology - gear processing technology - generative NC technology - group technology - image expansion technology - industrial automation technologies - information management technology - information technology - innovative technology - insert technology - inspection technology - instructional technologies - instrumentation technology - knowledge processing technology - laser strip technology - laser stripe technology - laser surface modification technology - laser technology - laser-gaging technology - leading-edge technology - lighting technology - locomotive technologies - machine control technology - machine tool control technology - machine tool technology - machining technology - mainstream manufacturing technology - manufacturing technology - materials technology - material-specific cutting technology - mature technology - measurement technology - mechanical technology - mechanical-engineering technology - microprocessor technology - moire technology - monitoring technology - multiple laser technology - NC machining technology - NC technology - near-term technology - networking technology - numerical control process technology - open system technology - open systems technology - pattern-recognition technology - precision engineering technology - probing technologies - process technology - processing technology - production technology - remote control technology - robot technology - robotics technology - RP technology - saw technology - sensing technology - sensor technology - sheet metal working technology - silicon integrated-circuit technology - silicon technology - solid state technology - standard-product technologies - support technology - surface-mount technology - swarf-monitoring technology - telepresence technology - telerobotic technology - time study-based technology - time-of-flight technology - tried-and-true technology - turning technology - ultrasonic technology - underlying technology - unmanned turning technology - up-to-the-minute technology - vacuum technology - vision technology - workstation technology

Воскобойников Б.С., Митрович В.Л.. English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation.      Англо-Русский словарь по машиностроению и автоматизации производства.