v. 1. выбирать (among/between/from - из, as/for - в качестве кого-л., чего-л.) It is difficult to choose among so many nice houses. It is difficult to choose one house among so many nice ones. We chose this house as our home as soon as we saw it. The teacher chose the cleverest child as the leader of the class. Jim chose Mary as his wife. 2. избирать 3. решать, решаться; предпочитать (часто choose rather) 4. собир. хотеть; he did not choose to see her - он не захотел ее видеть; I cannot choose but go - мне необходимо пойти; not much/nothing to choose between them - один другого стоит Syn: cull, elect, pick, select Ant: forswear, reject
Англо-русский перевод CHOOSE
Мюллер. English-Russian Muller's dictionary bed edition. Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера редакция bed. 2012