Англо-русский перевод CUT UP

а. разрубать, разрезать на куски Please cut up the meat for the dog as his teeth are bad now. б. раскритиковать Her performance was (badly) cut up in the next day's newspapers. в. подрывать (силы, здоровье); причинять страдания; be cut up - мучиться, страдать г. разрушать The town was (badly) cut up in last night's bombing. The enemy are being cut up in the battle. д. буянить It's been rawing for a week and the children are really cutting up. е. притворяться глупым Sim likes to cut up at parties. ж. оставить в наследство (for) How much do you think he'll cut up for?

Мюллер. English-Russian Muller's dictionary bed edition.      Англо-Русский словарь Мюллера редакция bed.