/up/ , adv., prep., adj., n., v., upped, upping .
1. to, toward, or in a more elevated position: to climb up to the top of a ladder.
2. to or in an erect position: to stand up.
3. out of bed: to get up.
4. above the horizon: The moon came up.
5. to or at any point that is considered higher.
6. to or at a source, origin, center, or the like: to follow a stream up to its source.
7. to or at a higher point or degree, as of rank, size, value, pitch, loudness, brightness, maturity, or speed: to move up in a firm; to pump up a tire; to turn a lantern up; Prices are going up. Speak up! Hurry up!
8. ahead; in a leading position in a competition: He managed to get up on his opponent by three points.
9. in continuing contact, esp. as reflecting continuing awareness, knowledge, etc.: to keep up with the latest developments in mathematics.
10. into or in activity, operation, etc.: to set up vibrations.
11. into a state of emotional agitation or distress: His insults left her all roiled up.
12. into existence, visible form, etc.: His sample was worked up in the studio.
13. into view, prominence, or consideration: The lost papers have turned up.
14. into or in a place of safekeeping, storage, retirement, etc.: to lay up riches; to put up preserves.
15. into or in a state of union, contraction, etc.: to add up a column of figures; to fold up.
16. to the required or final point: to pay up one's debts; burned up.
17. to a state of completion; to an end: She finished it all up.
18. to a halt: The riders reined up and dismounted.
19. Baseball. being the player or team batting; at bat.
20. (used as a function word for additional emphasis, sometimes prec. by it ): Go wake your father up. What plugged it up? We laughed it up.
21. ahead of an opponent or opponents in points, games, etc.: The golfer was two strokes up on his nearest competitor.
22. each; apiece: The score was seven up in the final quarter.
23. (of machines or equipment, as computers) working; in working order or in operation.
24. Informal. without the addition of ice; straight up: Bring me a martini, up.
25. Naut. toward the wind: Put the helm up.
26. all up with , at or approaching the end of; with defeat or ruin imminent for: He realized it was all up with him when the search party began to close in.
27. go up in one's lines . See line 1 (def. 58).
28. up against , faced or confronted with: They were up against formidable obstacles.
29. up against it , in a difficult situation, esp. in financial straits: There was no one to help him when he was up against it.
30. up and around , recovered from an illness; able to leave one's bed. Also, up and about .
31. up and down ,
a. back and forth; backward and forward: He paced up and down.
b. from top to bottom or head to toe: She looked me up and down before replying.
32. up for , considered as eligible or as a possibility for (something): The child is up for adoption. Three actresses are up for the role.
33. up to ,
a. as far as or approaching (a certain part, degree, point, etc.): She went wading up to her knees. I am up to the eighth lesson.
b. in full realization or attainment of: He worked up to president of the company.
c. as many as; to the limit of: The car will seat up to five persons.
d. having adequate powers or ability for; capable of; equal to: He didn't think I was up to the job.
e. the duty or responsibility of; incumbent upon: It's up to you to break the news to him.
f. engaged in; contriving; doing: What have you been up to lately?
34. to, toward, or at an elevated place on or in: They went up the stairs. The cat is up the tree.
35. to, toward, or at a high or higher station, condition, or rank on or in: He is well up the social ladder.
36. at or to a farther point or higher place on or in: She is up the street. I'm going up the street.
37. toward the source, origin, etc., of: up the stream.
38. toward a particular direction or in the interior of, as a region or territory: The explorers were up north.
39. in a course or direction that is contrary to that of: to row up the current.
40. up your ass , Slang ( vulgar ). See shove (def. 6). Also, up yours .
41. moving in or related to a direction that is up or is regarded as up: the up elevator; the up train traveling north; the up platform of a railroad station.
42. informed; familiar; aware (usually fol. by on or in ): She is always up on current events.
43. concluded; ended; finished; terminated: The game is up. Your hour is up.
44. going on or happening; taking place; occurring: What's up over there?
45. having a high position or station: He is up in society.
46. in an erect, vertical, or raised position: The gate at the railroad crossing is up. The tent is up.
47. above the earth or ground: The corn is up and ready to be harvested.
48. in the air; aloft: The meteorological balloons are up. The airplanes are up for their reconnaissance flights.
49. (of heavenly bodies) risen above the horizon: The sun is up.
50. awake or out of bed: to be up with insomnia.
51. mounted on horseback: He knows which jockeys are up in every race.
52. (of water in natural bodies) high with relation to the banks or shore: The tide is up.
53. built; constructed: The new museum is up and open to the public.
54. facing upward: He is resting and his face is up.
55. See sunnyside up .
56. (of roads, highways, etc.) having the surface broken or removed (usually used in combination): a torn-up road.
57. in revolt, mutiny, or rebellious agitation: Many territories were up and preparing to send troops against the government.
58. in a state of agitation: Beware of him when his temper is up.
59. Informal. cheerful or optimistic; high-spirited; happy; exuberant; upbeat.
60. Informal. productive, favorable, or profitable: a string of up months for the company.
61. afoot or amiss: Her nervous manner told me that something was up.
62. in a state of enthusiastic or confident readiness (usually fol. by for ): The team was definitely up for the game.
63. bound; on the way: She was on a ship up for Australia.
64. resolved in an unfavorable or undesired way: They knew that their game was up.
65. higher than formerly in cost, amount, degree, etc.: The price of meat was up.
66. (of age) advanced (usually fol. by in ): He is rather spry for a man so up in years.
67. active: The captain wished to set sail as soon as the wind was up.
68. in a legal proceeding as defendant: He is up for murder.
69. in operation or ready for use: The theater's lights are up.
70. (of points or other standards used to determine the winner in a competition) ahead; in advance: He won the game with two points up over his opponent.
71. considered or under consideration: a candidate up for reelection; a bill that is up before Congress.
72. wagered; bet: He won all the money up in the game.
73. living or located inland or on elevated ground: They live in a village two miles up from the coast.
74. (used with a preceding numeral to indicate that a score is tied in a competition): It was 10 up at the end of the first half.
75. ahead of an opponent or opponents: They scored three times in a row to go two up.
76. straight up. See straight (def. 38).
77. up and doing , Informal. actively engaged; alert; busy: During her convalescence she longed to be up and doing.
78. an upward movement; ascent.
79. a rise of fortune, mood, etc.
80. a time of good fortune, prosperity, or happiness: He has had more ups than downs in his career.
81. an upbound means of public transportation, as a train or bus.
82. Informal. a feeling or state of happiness, exuberance, or elation.
83. Slang. upper (def. 10).
84. a person or thing that is in a favorable position of wealth, fortune, etc.: People who were ups in the business world suffered losses in the economic depression.
85. an upward slope; elevation.
86. an upward course or rise, as in price or value: The landlord promised his tenants there would be no further ups in the rent this year.
87. Slang. upper 2 .
88. on the up and up , Informal. frank; honest; sincere: He seems to be on the up and up. Also, on the up-and-up .
89. to put or take up.
90. to make larger; step up: to up output.
91. to raise; go better than (a preceding wager): to up the ante.
92. Informal. to start up; begin something abruptly (usually fol. by and and another verb): Then he upped and ran away from home.
93. (often used imperatively or hortatively) to rise up: Up, men, and fight until all the enemy are defeated!
[ bef. 900; ME up ( pe ) (adv.), OE up ( p ) to a higher position, uppe in a higher position; c. OFris up, OS up, MD up, op, ON upp; akin to OHG uf ( > G auf ), Goth iup ]