1) смета, расчёт; калькуляция || калькулировать 2) оценка || оценивать 3) приблизительно подсчитывать, прикидывать; вычислять • error in estimate — погрешность оценки to estimate costs — бухгалт. калькулировать стоимость to estimate root — матем. оценивать значение корня - a posteriori estimate - a priori estimate - absolute estimate - accurate estimate - aggregate estimate - asymptotically unbiased estimate - autoregressive estimate - basic asymptotic estimate - binomial estimate - bispectral estimate - budgetary estimate - cluster estimate - coarse estimate - composite estimate - compressed estimate - confounded estimate - continuous estimate - correct estimate - corrected estimate - correlated estimates - crude estimate - current estimate - definitive estimate - derivation of estimate - difference estimate - differential estimate - double-ended estimate - double-sampling estimate - elementary estimate - equal-risk estimate - equidistributed estimate - equivariant estimate - experimental estimate - eye estimate - faulty estimate - filtered estimate - final estimate - global estimate - grand-lot estimate - graphical estimate - group estimate - high estimate - hypothetical estimate - impermissible estimate - inflated estimate - initial estimate - intercensus estimate - jackknifed estimate - large-sample estimate - least squares estimate - likelihood estimate - linear estimate - linearized estimate - long-term estimate - low estimate - mean-square estimate - medium-term estimate - minimax estimate - minimum mean-square error estimate - minimum reasonable estimate - minimum-error estimate - modal-unbiased estimate - most probable estimate - moving-average estimate - multivariate estimate - negative estimate - normalized estimate - numerical estimate - optimum estimate - ordered estimate - order-of-magnitude estimate - overall estimate - pair preference estimate - partial estimate - point estimate - posterior estimate - precise estimate - predictive estimate - prior estimate - probabilistic estimate - provisional estimate - pure estimate - quadratic estimate - quick-and-dirty estimate - range estimate - ratio estimate - realizable estimate - reasonable estimate - recursive estimate - regression estimate - regular estimate - reliable estimate - revised estimate - ridge estimate - self-contained estimate - separate estimate - sharp estimate - shifted estimate - simple unbiased estimate - sound estimate - state estimate - statistical estimate - subjective estimate - superefficient estimate - theoretical estimate - trial estimate - truncated estimate - two-way estimate - uncertain estimate - uncertainty estimate - unconfounded estimate - uniform estimate - uniformly weighted estimate - updated estimate - variance estimate - within-block estimate
Англо-русский перевод ESTIMATE
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005