математика absolute [abstract] mathematics — чистая математика constructible [constructive] mathematics — конструктивная математика it is beyond the resources of mathematics — это не разрешимо математическими методами - abstract mathematics - actuarial mathematics - applied mathematics - biological mathematics - body of mathematics - calculus mathematics - combinatorial mathematics - computational mathematics - computing mathematics - continual mathematics - crystal mathematics - discrete mathematics - experimental mathematics - finite mathematics - formal mathematics - foundations of mathematics - graphical mathematics - ground in mathematics - higher mathematics - informal mathematics - insurance mathematics - intuitionistic mathematics - intuitive mathematics - mathematics of logic - negationless mathematics - nonlinear mathematics - numerical mathematics - practical mathematics - pure mathematics - recreational mathematics - symbolic mathematics - technical mathematics
Англо-русский перевод MATHEMATICS
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005