1) многогранник 2) полиэдр 3) полиэдроид • centrally symmetric polyhedron — центрально симметричный многогранник cone over polyhedron — конус над полиэдром cylinder over polyhedron — цилиндр над полиэдром facially regular polyhedron — многогранник с правильными гранями irreducibly closed polyhedron — неприводимо замкнутый полиэдр locally contractible polyhedron — локально стягиваемый многогранник nearly regular polyhedron — почти правильный многогранник neighbouring vertixes of a polyhedron — соседние вершины многогранника prism over polyhedron — призма над полиэдром regularly connected polyhedron — регулярно связный полиэдр simply closed polyhedron — просто замкнутый полиэдр simply connected polyhedron — односвязный [эйлеров] многогранник - abstract polyhedron - analytic polyhedron - bounded polyhedron - characteristic polyhedron - circumscribed polyhedron - collapsible polyhedron - complex polyhedron - concave polyhedron - connected polyhedron - continuous polyhedron - contractible polyhedron - convex polyhedron - curvilinear polyhedron - dominating polyhedron - doughnut-shaped polyhedron - edge of polyhedron - edge polyhedron - essential polyhedron - face of polyhedron - finite polyhedron - generalized polyhedron - geometric polyhedron - homology of polyhedron - improper polyhedron - infinite polyhedron - inscribed polyhedron - integer polyhedron - multiconnected polyhedron - n-dimensional polyhedron - nonclosed polyhedron - noncomplete polyhedron - nonconvex polyhedron - nondegenerate polyhedron - open polyhedron - orientable polyhedron - partial polyhedron - piecewise-rectilinear polyhedron - polyhedron dimension - polyhedron graph - polyhedron of expectations - polynomial polyhedron - quasiregular polyhedron - retrosnub polyhedron - rigid polyhedron - semiregular polyhedron - separable polyhedron - simple polyhedron - simplicial polyhedron - singular polyhedron - skew polyhedron - spatial polyhedron - stable polyhedron - star polyhedron - subdivision of polyhedron - topological polyhedron - truncated polyhedron - uniform polyhedron - Voronoy polyhedron
Англо-русский перевод POLYHEDRON
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005