1) делать покупки 2) лавка 3) магазин 4) мастерская 5) цех 6) цеховый • carriage repair shop — вагоноремонтный цех factory and shop lumber — столярный пиломатериал floating repair shop — плавучая мастерская lose shop adjustment — нарушать заводскую регулировку sheet-metal pressworking shop — цех холодной листовой штамповки shop conveyance and hoisting — внутрицеховой транспорт tire repair shop — вулканизационная мастерская - assembling shop - blanking shop - blast-furnace shop - book-stitching shop - calendering shop - canning shop - car repair shop - cooperage shop - electroplating shop - erecting shop - finishing shop - forge shop - hardening shop - joiner's shop - machine shop - maintenance shop - molding shop - open-hearth shop - pattern shop - pilot shop - roll shop - rolling-mill shop - service shop - shop auxiliaries - shop costs - shop hand - shop layout - shop rivet - stock-preparation shop - tinning shop - tool shop - van shop - vulcanization shop - welding shop - wiring shop - wood shop - wood-working shop
Англо-русский перевод SHOP
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005