1) конструктивный 2) конструкционный 3) относящийся к строению 4) профильный 5) строительный 6) структуральный 7) структурный • logical structural level — глубина вложенности структуры structural [structure] formula — структурная формула structural [structure] space — структурное пространство structural clay products — строительная керамика structural clay tile — керамический камень structural glass shapes — профильное строительное стекло structural theory of automata — структурная теория автоматов - structural adaptation - structural analysis - structural automaton - structural balance - structural behavior - structural bundle - structural castings - structural change - structural channel - structural coefficient - structural complexity - structural constraint - structural corrosion - structural crystallography - structural deformation - structural design - structural element - structural equation - structural error - structural estimation - structural fibration - structural form - structural glass - structural grammar - structural group - structural induction - structural inference - structural integrity - structural interaction - structural isomorphism - structural linguistics - structural lumber - structural mass - structural matrix - structural mechanics - structural member - structural model - structural number - structural parameter - structural pencil - structural probability - structural problem - structural programming - structural property - structural relation - structural relationship - structural rule - structural semantics - structural shape - structural shapes - structural similarity - structural stability - structural stand - structural steel - structural strength - structural tensor - structural timber - structural transformation - structural trap - structural unit
Англо-русский перевод STRUCTURAL
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005