1) вид 2) конструкция 3) построение 4) сооружение 5) состав 6) строение 7) структура 8) структурировать 9) текстура 10) формация • almost complex structure — почти комплексная структура bipolar insulated-gate structure — управляемая р-n-переходами структура на полевых транзисторах complex analytic structure — комплексно аналитическая структура constant of thin structure — постоянная тонкой структуры existentially complete structure — экзистенциально полная структура fine grain structure — мелкозернистая структура finitely generated structure — конечно порожденная структура fish protection structure — рыбозащитное устройство free algebraic structure — свободная алгебраическая структура gain guided structure — световодная усилительная структура game with hierarchical structure — игра с иерархической структурой homotopically invariant structure — гомотопически инвариантная структура indeterministic decision structure — недетерминированная модель принятия решений inverse image structure — структура прообраза language with paradigmatic structure — язык с парадигматической структурой local topological structure — локальная топологическая структура locally convex structure — локально выпуклая структура manifold with structure — многообразие со структурой multipath ferrite structure — разветвленный ферритовый элемент oriented differentiable structure — ориентированная дифференцируемая структура periodic structure laser — лазер на периодической структуре proliferating administrative structure — обрастание хозяйственное recursively enumerable structure — рекурсивно перечислимая структура recursively presentable structure — рекурсивно представимая структура redundant logical structure — избыточная логическая структура river control structure — геол. сооружение выправительное serpentine domain structure — физ. структура доменная лабиринтная statistically indeterminate structure — статистически неопределенная система strictly coarser structure — строго более грубая структура strictly finer structure — строго более тонкая структура strongly undecidable structure — строго неразрешимая структура system with variable structure — система с переменной структурой topologically uniformizing structure — топологически униформизующаяся структура topology with consistent group structure — топология с совместной групповой структурой topology with consistent structure of vector space — топология с совместной структурой векторного пространства water retaining structure — водоподпорное сооружение weakly saturated structure — слабо насыщенная структура - abstract structure - additive structure - affine structure - algebraic structure - algebraic-geometric structure - almost structure - amenable structure - analytic structure - anisotropic structure - associated structure - atomic structure - augmented structure - baseline structure - biclosed structure - bipolar structure - bladed structure - body-centered structure - bundle structure - canonical structure - cardinal of structure - cast structure - cellular structure - chaotic structure - coadjoint structure - coalgebraic structure - coarse structure - coarse-grain structure - coarser structure - coast-protecting structure - cobordant structure - code structure - coherent structure - cohomology structure - columnar structure - comb structure - combinatorial structure - competition structure - complementary structure - complex structure - composite structure - conformal structure - constant of structure - contact structure - convergence structure - convex structure - covariance structure - cubic structure - dangerous structure - decision structure - definable structure - dendritic structure - dense structure - dependence structure - derived structure - dichotomic structure - differentiable structure - differential structure - directed structure - discrete structure - disk-and-washer structure - disordered structure - dynamic structure - embedded structure - empty structure - energy-band structure - engineering structure - equation of structure - extension of structure - factor structure - fiberlike structure - fibriform structure - filamentary structure - final structure - floating structure - foliate structure - full structure - gage structure - game structure - generalized structure - generic structure - glass structure - granular structure - graphic structure - group structure - haphazard structure - herringbone structure - heuristic structure - hierarchical structure - holomorphic structure - homogeneous structure - homomorphic structure - hyperbolic structure - hyperfine structure - incidence structure - indeterminacy of structure - induced structure - industrial structure - infinite structure - infinitesimal structure - initial structure - integrable structure - interdigitated structure - internal structure - intersection structure - irreducible structure - isometric structure - iterative structure - jumping of structure - lattice structure - layer structure - learning structure - left structure - limit structure - lineage structure - load-carrying structure - logical structure - mathematical structure - metalinear structure - metaplectic structure - microscopic structure - mixed structure - mode structure - monocoque structure - monoidal structure - mosaic structure - multiplicative structure - multispan structure - multivariate structure - neighborhood structure - nested structure - network structure - normal structure - null-cobordant structure - orbit structure - order structure - orthogonal structure - partial structure - partially-ordered structure - payoff structure - perfect structure - periodic structure - planar structure - poled structure - polynomial structure - position structure - precompact structure - preference structure - premonoidal structure - prepolynomial structure - priority structure - probabilistic structure - problem structure - product structure - projective structure - pseudogroup structure - pseudotopological structure - quasimathematical structure - quaternion structure - quotient structure - realcompact structure - recursive structure - regular structure - relational structure - ringed structure - rumpled structure - sampling structure - saturated structure - semiadditive structure - semicoherent structure - semigroup structure - semismoothed structure - simple structure - slow-wave structure - smooth structure - sound structure - space-time structure - sparseness structure - species of structure - spectral structure - spin structure - spinor structure - splitting structure - stable structure - standard structure - stiffen structure - stochastic structure - structure amplitude - structure chart - structure flexibility - structure formation - structure function - structure functor - structure group - structure lattice - structure matrix - structure of equation - structure of matrix - structure sheaf - structure stability - structure synthesis - structure theorem - structure topology - surface structure - symplectic structure - syntopogenous structure - tangential structure - tessellation structure - theory of structure - three-valued structure - tier structure - time-dependent structure - tree structure - triangular structure - trivial structure - trophic structure - two-sided structure - undecidable structure - underground structure - underlying structure - unified structure - uniform structure - uniformizable structure - universal structure - unsolvability structure - vectorial structure - wrought structure - zero structure
Англо-русский перевод STRUCTURE
English-Russian scientific and technological dictionary . Англо-Русский научно-технический словарь. 2005