or Khorramiyyeh
Islamic sect that flourished in the 9th11th centuries.
Though they were Muslims, some members of this sect believed in transmigration of souls and in the Zoroastrian dualism of good and evil deities. Like the Sh 012B; ite s, they were partisans of Al 012B; in the succession of the caliphate, and they held that Islam should be led by descendants of Muhammad . They differed from the Sh 012B; 02BD; ites in insisting that the leadership should be hereditary in the person of Ab 016B; Muslim . Claiming to be a descendant of Ab 016B; , their leader B 0101; bak led a rebellion against the Abb 0101; sid Caliphate of Baghdad, which ended with his capture and execution in 838. The sect died out in the 11th century.