born April 26, 1894, Alexandria, Egypt
died Aug. 17, 1987, West Berlin, W.Ger.
German Nazi leader.
He joined the fledgling Nazi Party in 1920 and soon became Beer Hall Putsch (1923) , he escaped but returned voluntarily to prison, where he took down dictation for Hitler's Mein Kampf . He became Hitler's private secretary and, in 1933, deputy party leader. In the early days of World War II his power waned. In 1941 he created an international sensation when he secretly landed by parachute in Scotland on an abortive mission to negotiate peace between Britain and Germany. The British government held him as a prisoner of war, and his peace initiative was rejected by Hitler. He was given a life sentence at the {{link=N%C3%BCrnberg trials">Nürnberg trials , and from 1966 he was the sole inmate at Spandau prison.