Meaning of JOHN in English


known as John Lackland

born Dec. 24, 1167, Oxford, Eng.

died Oct. 18/19, 1216, Newark, Nottinghamshire

King of England (1199–1216).

The youngest son of Henry II , he joined his brother Richard (later Richard I ) in a rebellion against Henry (1189). John became lord of Ireland, and, when Richard was imprisoned in Germany on his way back from the Third Crusade , he tried to seize control of England (1193). On Richard's return, John was banished (1194), but the two were later reconciled. Crowned king in 1199, John lost Normandy (1204) and most of his other French lands in a war with Philip II (Philip Augustus). After Innocent III excommunicated him for refusing to recognize Magna Carta , but the civil war continued until his death.


or John de Balliol

born с 1250

died April 1313, Château Galliard, Normandy, Fr.

King of Scotland (1292–96).

He was one of 13 claimants to the throne but won by primogeniture. John paid homage to Edward I of England but soon refused his request for military aid in Gascony and instead signed a treaty with the French. When Edward invaded Gascony in 1296, the Scots raided northern England. Within months Edward's army had captured strategic castles in Scotland, and John was forced to resign his kingdom to Edward. He was held in the Tower of London until 1299.


[c mediumvioletred] (as used in expressions)

John O'Bail

John Lackland

John de Balliol

Abbott Sir John Joseph Caldwell

Adams John Coolidge

Adams John

Adams John Quincy

Alden John

Altgeld John Peter

André John

John Chapman

Arbuthnot John

Arden John

Ashbery John Lawrence

Astor John Jacob

Atanasoff John Vincent

Austin John

Austin John Langshaw

Backus John Warner

Baird John Logie

Bardeen John

Barry John

Barth John

Bartlett John

Bartram John

Baskerville John

Bell John

Belter John Henry

Edgar John Bergren

Berryman John

Betjeman Sir John

Biddle John

Bidwell John

Billings John Shaw

Bishop John Michael

Blow John

Bolingbroke Henry Saint John 1st Viscount

Boorman John

Booth John Wilkes

Borglum John Gutzon de la Mothe

Breckinridge John Cabell

Bricker John William

Bright John

Brown John

Budge John Donald

Bull John

Bunyan John

John Anthony Burgess Wilson

Burgoyne John

Burroughs John

Bute John Stuart 3rd earl of

John Stuart

Cabot John

Cage John

Calhoun John Caldwell

Calvin John

Campbell John Archibald

John William Carson

Cassavetes John

Chamberlain John Angus

Charles XIV John

Cheever John

Cheke Sir John

Chrysostom Saint John

Clare John

Clayton John Middleton

Cleese John Marwood

Coetzee John Michael

Colet John

Colter John

Coltrane John William

Comenius John Amos

Commons John Rogers

Constable John

Coolidge John Calvin

Copley John Singleton

Corrigan Sir Dominic John

Cotton John

Crittenden John Jordan

Dalton John

Davenport John

de la Mare Walter John

Dean John Wesley III

Deere John

Dewey John

Dickens Charles John Huffam

Dickinson John

Diefenbaker John George

Dillinger John Herbert

Dollond John and George

Donne John

Dos Passos John Roderigo

Dowland John

Dryden John

Dulles John Foster

Duns Scotus John

Dunstable John

Durham John George Lambton 1st earl of

Eales John

Eckert John Presper Jr.

Eckert Wallace John

Ehrlichman John Daniel

Elder John

Eliot John

Elway John Albert

Ericsson John

Erigena John Scotus

William John Evans

Evans Sir Arthur John

Evelyn John

Fante John

Fisher of Kilverstone John Arbuthnot Fisher 1st Baron

Flaxman John

Ford John

Fortescue Sir John

Fowles John Robert

Franklin John Hope

Frémont John Charles

French John Denton Pinkstone 1st earl of Ypres

Fuller John Frederick Charles

Galbraith John Kenneth

Galsworthy John

Garand John Cantius

Garner John Nance

Gay John

Gielgud Sir Arthur John

John Birks Gillespie

Herbert John Gleason

Glenn John Herschel Jr.

Gorey Edward St. John

Gower John

Guare John

Gunther John

Haldane John Burdon Sanderson

Haldane John Scott

Hale John Parker

William John Clifton

Haley Sir William John

Hampden John

Hancock John

Harlan John Marshall

Harrison John

William John Hartack

Hawkins Sir John

Hay John Milton

Heathcoat John

Heinz Henry John

Heisman John William

Hersey John Richard

John Charlton Carter

Heywood John

Hicks Sir John Richard

John Cornelius Hodges

John Henry Holliday

Hoover John Edgar

Houseman John

Howard John Winston

Hume John

Hunter John

Hurt John

Huston John

Irving John Winslow

John Henry Brodribb

Jackson John Hughlings

Jay John

Jeffers John Robinson

Jellicoe John Rushworth Jellicoe 1st Earl

John Birch Society

John Day Fossil Beds National Monument

John II Comnenus

John III Ducas Vatatzes

John III Sobieski

John II

John the Good

John I

John of Aviz

John Maurice of Nassau

John o'Groat's

John of Brienne

John of Damascus Saint

Saint John Damascene

John of Gaunt duke of Lancaster

John of Paris

John Quidort

John the Deaf

John of Salisbury

John Paul II

John the Baptist Saint

John V Palaeologus

John VI Cantacuzenus

John VIII Palaeologus



John Augustus Edwin

John Sir Elton Hercules

John Arthur Johnson

Johnson John Harold

Jones John Paul

John Paul

Kaiser Henry John

Kander John

Kay John

Keats John

Kellogg John Harvey and Will Keith

Kemeny John George

Kendrew Sir John Cowdery

Kennedy John Fitzgerald

Keynes John Maynard Baron Keynes of Tilton

Knowles John

Knox John

John Albert Kramer

Law John

Le Carré John

David John Moore Cornwell

Leech John

John Uhler Lemmon III

Lennon John Winston

Lewis John Llewellyn

Lilburne John

Locke John

Lofting Hugh John

Lomax John

John Griffith Chaney

Lugard Frederick John Dealtry

Lutuli Albert John Mvumbi

Lyly John

Macdonald Sir John Alexander

MacLennan John Hugh

Macleod John James Rickard

Major John

Mandeville Sir John

Marin John

Marlborough John Churchill 1st duke of

Marriott John Willard

Marshall John

Marston John

Masefield John

Mauchly John William

McAdam John Loudon

McCarthy John

McCormack John

McEnroe John Patrick Jr.

McGraw John Joseph

McPhee John Angus

John Herndon Mercer

Mill John Stuart

Millais Sir John Everett

Milton John

John Thomas Miner

Mitchell John Newton

Monsarrat Nicholas John Turney

John Leslie Montgomery

Morgan John

Morgan John Pierpont

Morgan John Pierpont Jr.

Morley of Blackburn John Morley Viscount

Mosby John Singleton

Muir John

Naber John

Napier John

Nash John

Nash John Forbes

Needham John Turberville

Nelson John Byron

Newbery John

Newman John Henry

Norman Gregory John

Northrop John Howard

Northumberland John Dudley duke of

Noyes John Humphrey

John Casey

John Francis Whelan

O'Hara John Henry

O'Mahony John

O'Neill John

John Kingsley Orton

Osborne John James

Percy John

Pershing John Joseph

Pope John

Porter Fitz John

Powell John Wesley

Pratt Edwin John

Prester John

Pringle Sir John

Pym John

Randolph John

Rankine William John Macquorn

Ransom John Crowe

Raskob John Jakob

Rathbone Philip St. John Basil

Rawlings Jerry John

Rawls John

Ray John

Rayleigh of Terling Place John William Strutt 3rd Baron

Reed John

Rennie John

Apocalypse of John

Rhodes Cecil John

Richardson John

John Stewart earl of Carrick

Rochester John Wilmot 2nd earl of

Rockefeller John Davison

Roebling John Augustus

Rolfe John

Ross John

Tsan Usdi Little John

Ruskin John

Russell of Kingston Russell John Russell 1st Earl

Saint John

Saint John River

Saint John's

Saint John's wort

Sandwich John Montagu 4th earl of

Sargent John Singer

Sayles John

Schlesinger John Richard

Schuyler Philip John

Sevier John

Sheen Fulton John

Sherman John

Simcoe John Graves

Skelton John

Slidell John

Sloan John French

Smeaton John

Smith John

Soane Sir John

Sousa John Philip

Speke John Hanning

John Rowlands

Stark John

Steinbeck John Ernst

Stephens John Lloyd

Stevens John

Stevens John Paul

Stewart John Innes Mackintosh

Suckling Sir John

Sullivan John Lawrence

Sutter John Augustus

Symonds John Addington

Synge John Millington

Tate John Orley Allen

Taylor John

John Taylor of Caroline

Tenniel Sir John

Thomson John Edgar

Thomson Sir Joseph John

Thorp John

Tolkien John Ronald Reuel

Trumbull John

Trump Donald John

Tyler John

John Constantine Unitas

Updike John Hoyer

Vanbrugh Sir John

Vanderlyn John

von Neumann John

Vorster John

John Peter Wagner

Walker James John

Walter John

Watson John Broadus

Watson Thomas John Sr.

Waugh Evelyn Arthur St. John

Wayne John

Weaver John

Webster John

Peter John Weissmuller

Wesley John

White John

Whitney John Hay

Whittier John Greenleaf

Wideman John Edgar

Wilbye John

Wilkes John

Wilkinson John

Williams John Towner

Wilson John Tuzo

Winthrop John

Witherspoon John

Wyatt John

Wycliffe John

Zenger John Peter

Zorn John

Acton of Aldenham John Emerich Edward Dahlberg Acton 1st Baron

Audubon John James

Chelmsford of Chelmsford Frederic John Napier Thesiger 1st Viscount

Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur

J. Hector St. John

Hoare Sir Samuel John Gurney 2nd Baronet

John of the Cross Saint

John the Apostle Saint

St. John the Divine

St. John the Evangelist

Lawrence John Laird Mair

Noel Baker of the City of Derby Philip John Noel Baker Baron

Philip John Baker

Palmerston of Palmerston Henry John Temple 3rd Viscount

Saint John Perse

Simon of Stackpole Elidor John Allsebrook Simon 1st Viscount

President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Hopkins Johns

Johns Hopkins University

Johns Jasper

{{link=Saint Johns River">Saint Johns River

Britannica English dictionary.      Английский словарь Британика.