Province (pop., 2000 est.: 138,900), Canada.
One of the Maritime Provinces and Canada's smallest province, it is an island in the southern Charlottetown . Discovered by Jacques Cartier in 1534, it was used by {{link=Micmac">Micmac Indians for fishing and hunting. It was colonized by the French in 1720, then ceded to the British in 1763. Known as the "Cradle of Confederation," it was the site of the Charlottetown Conference of 1864, which led to the federation of Canada. It became a province in 1873. It has good natural harbours on its eastern and southern sides. There has been little industrial development, and more than half of the island is used for agriculture. Fishing and tourism are also of economic importance. In 1997 a bridge opened between Prince Edward Island and the mainland.