Meaning of ROBERT II in English


born March 2, 1316

died April 19, 1390, Dundonald, Ayrshire, Scot.

King of Scotland (1371–90).

Grandson of Robert I , he served as regent during the periods of exile and of imprisonment by the English of his uncle, David II , and took the throne on David's death in 1371 as the first Stuart king and thus was the founder of the house of Stuart . His reign proved anticlimactic; he had little effect on political and military affairs, taking no active part in the renewed war with England (1378–88). Succession after his death was disputed by his numerous children (legitimate and illegitimate) and their descendants.


known as Robert Curthose

born с 1054

died February 1134, Cardiff, Wales

Duke of Normandy (1087–1106).

The eldest son of William I , he was named heir to Normandy but rebelled twice (с 1077, с 1082). Robert was exiled to Italy but returned as duke on his father's death. He pawned Normandy to his brother William II and joined the First Crusade , in which he fought bravely and helped capture Jerusalem (1099). He led an unsuccessful invasion of England after Henry I became king (1100); Henry then invaded Normandy (1105–06) and captured Robert, who spent the rest of his life as a prisoner.

Britannica English dictionary.      Английский словарь Британика.