Any of several prized game and food fishes of the family Salmonidae, native to the Northern Hemisphere but widely introduced elsewhere.
Though most species inhabit cool fresh waters, a few (called sea trout; e.g., weakfish are also called sea trout. The genus Oncorhynchus includes salmon and several trout species; Salvelinus contains trout species regarded as chars . Trout species vary greatly in anatomy, colour, and habits. Most live among submerged objects or in riffles and deep pools, eating insects, small fishes and their eggs, and crustaceans. See also brook trout; brown trout ; lake trout ; rainbow trout .
[c mediumvioletred] (as used in expressions)
sea trout
brook trout
speckled trout
brown trout
cutthroat trout
lake trout
salmon trout
Great Lakes trout
Mackinaw trout
{{link=rainbow trout">rainbow trout