Pronunciation: ' trau ̇ t
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural trout also trouts
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tr ū ht, from Late Latin trocta, tructa, a fish with sharp teeth, from Greek tr ō kt ē s, literally, gnawer, from tr ō gein to gnaw ― more at TROGLODYTE
Date: before 12th century
1 : any of various salmonid food and sport fishes that are mostly smaller than the typical salmons and are anadromous or restricted to cool clear freshwater: a : any of various Old or New World fishes (genera Salmo and Oncorhynchus ) ― compare BROWN TROUT , RAINBOW TROUT b : 1 CHAR
2 : any of various fishes (as the largemouth bass) held to resemble the true trouts