Meaning of BENEDICT VIII in English

born , probably County of Tusculum died April 9, 1024 original name Teofilatto, Latin Theophylactus pope from 1012 to 1024, the first of several pontiffs from the powerful Tusculani family. The ascendancy of the Tusculani marked the fall of the rival Crescentii family of Rome, which had come to dominate the papacy in the latter half of the 10th century. Benedict's predecessor, Sergius IV, was the choice of the Crescentii, and Benedict ousted another of their candidates when he became pope. During Benedict's pontificate his brother Romanus became the civil ruler of Rome and later succeeded him as Pope John XIX. Benedict's rule was acceptable to King Henry II of Germany, whom he crowned as Holy Roman emperor in 1014. Benedict appears to have been more of a feudal baron than a pope: he restored papal authority in the Campagna and in Roman Tuscany by force of arms; he defeated the Saracens' attack on northern Italy (1016-17); and he encouraged the Norman freebooters in their attacks on Byzantine power in the south. Benedict also strove for ecclesiastical reform. A friend of St. Odilo, abbot of Cluny, Fr., Benedict supported the monastic reform movement led there by the Benedictine monks. A council summoned by Benedict at Pavia, Lombardy, in 1022, also attended by Henry, forbade uncelibate clergy and the sale of church offices.

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