born Nov. 16, 1867, Paris, France died July 1, 1942, Saint-Rmy-de-Provence in full Alphonse-marie-lon Daudet French journalist and novelist, the most virulent and bitterly satirical polemicist of his generation in France, whose literary reputation rests largely upon his journalistic work and his vivid memoirs. The son of the novelist Alphonse Daudet, Lon studied medicine before turning to journalism with contributions to Le Figaro and Le Gaulois. His first novel, L'Astre noir (1893; The Black Heavenly Body), was followed by a scathing indictment of the medical profession, Les Morticoles (1894). His novel Le Voyage de Shakespeare (1896) was more successful than many that followed it. Daudet's major journalistic achievement began in 1908, when he and Charles Maurras refashioned L'Action franaise into a daily paper of avowedly reactionary, nationalist, and royalist opinion. Daudet had published an antirepublican satire, Le Pays des partementeurs, in 1901, and his contributions to L'Action franaise showed the same satirical and Rabelaisian flavour. Among Daudet's other works, the most important are L'Avant-Guerre (1913; Before the War), which shows prescience as well as conservatism; Le Monde des images (1919; The World of Images), a stubbornly anti-Freudian work on psychology; and Le Stupide XIXe Sicle (1922; The Stupid XIXth Century), a violent condemnation of the false gods worshiped in France after 1789. Daudet's six volumes of memoirs, Souvenirs des milieux littraires, politiques, artistiques, et mdicaux (191421; selection translated in Memoirs of Lon Daudet), are informative, vivid, and partisan. He also wrote a critical work, Mes Ides esthtiques (1939).
Meaning of DAUDET, LON in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012