born 1646, Rollot, near Montdidier, France died 1715, Paris French Orientalist and scholar, best known for his adaptation of the Middle Eastern tales Les Mille et une nuits (170417; The Thousand and One Nights). The seventh child of a poor family, Galland was taught Hebrew, Latin, and Greek by canons and attended the College of Noyon and the Collge de France in Paris. He accompanied the French ambassador to Constantinople during 167075, learned Arabic, Persian, and Turkish, and wrote a journal of his travels. In 1679 he was appointed antiquary to Louis XIV, for whom he collected ancient coins and manuscripts. In addition to his work on dictionaries and academic writings, he translated the Qur'an and in 1694 wrote Les Paroles remarquables, les bons mots et les maximes des Orientaux (The Remarkable Sayings, Apothegms, and Maxims of the Eastern Nations), a compendium of Eastern wisdom, and Les Contes et fables indiennes de Bidpai et de Lokmam (1724; Indian Fables and Tales of Bidpai and Lokmam). His major work, Les Mille et une nuits, was a popular version freely translated from Syrian manuscripts.
Meaning of GALLAND, ANTOINE in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012